Igniting Our Inspiration

By Carl Studna
Sadly, we live in a culture that does not place a strong priority on making our choices and decisions from an inspired and passionate purview. It’s no wonder that so many people deal with feeling lost, confused or depressed in their daily lives, feeling like they need to settle for what’s necessary to get by or be a success.
Our lives are meant to be more than mediocre; we are here to listen, trust, and allow our unique gifts and contributions to fully shine. There is a deeper awakening that’s taking place around us, and we’re witnessing more and more folks who are feeling called to make a difference and access their unique contributions.
When you think about life in the 1950’s, it serves as a vivid example of how radically the society at that time chose a very narrow path of possibilities. Roles were very clearly defined, and very few risked moving outside the social morays of that era. Few risked challenging authority and you were seen as a social outcast if you didn’t live within the confines of what was considered acceptable.
Then came the 1960’s and we began to challenge the traditional structures, opening a space for greater freedom to make choices from who we are, rather than who we should be. Great passion, vision and ideals emerged out of this time. Fortunately, as a teenager in the early 1970’s, I embraced this new frontier of limitless possibilities and have empowered this choice of living outside the box throughout my adult life.
Even though the doors of possibility opened at that time and it appeared like an era of great promise, many have chosen to walk the path that appears to bring the greatest of safety and security and have stifled their inner spark.
We have the freedom to follow our dreams, even if it appears as though others don’t understand or support our choices.
We must, at times be willing to choose what ignites us over what feels like the safe and practical choice. I’m not suggesting that we throw all caution to the wind and dismiss our responsibilities in life, only that we not allow our fears to dampen our inner calling to fully express and feel on fire with purpose in our lives.
There is a deep inner calling within each of us that yearns to fully sing our song like no one else. Be courageous and devote a small slice of each day to something that brings you joy and enhances your innate creative impulse. If nothing appears to be calling you, take the leap and buy a workbook such as What Color Is Your Parachute?, or perhaps strengthen your Spiritual practice and attune to listening more clearly from your inner stillness for guidance, or devote daily time to journaling while asking for insight. Tools such as these can offer the structure needed to gain greater clarity in following a path that inspires and ignites your truest gifts.
Be bold…take the leap…you won’t regret it
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Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl’s intimate portraits of influential people ranging from Paul McCartney to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, are published and known worldwide. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his newly released book, CLICK! Choosing Love…One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts. www.CarlStudna.com

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