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John Edward – Talking to Spirit: Communicate. Appreciate. Validate.

John Edward – Talking to Spirit: Communicate. Appreciate. Validate.


Q:  What is your take on all the fame you have achieved?  Do you like it?  Would you wish that same fame on y our children?

I want people to understand that I could care less about it. I have always had the ability to read people and then help them validate that reading thereafter. What evolved from then exploded into what I have become today.  As far as my children go, I’d rather see them have success through their achievements rather than simply being famous. It should be solely about accomplishments.

I tell people, “You have tools around you every day, as a parent, as a person, and if you use those tools, you better yourself. You empower yourself by picking up a book, learning and being ahead of the game.

Q: Are you going to continue touring the world?

Right now, I feel and believe that I need to make myself available to all as I’m being guided to do so and while I’m still young enough. When my guides tell me I am done, then I will pull away from the public eye.

See Also

I’d take my children, home school them and travel the globe doing what I do. But for now my desire is the fulfillment of a calling and slightly diverted purpose where my touring is taking center stage.

To learn more about John Edward visit his site at

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