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New Age Martyrs

New Age Martyrs


So, many of my clients have a very strong interest in “spiritual” matters. These can be from meditation, astrology, healing, sound therapy, aroma therapy, yoga, and on and on. The world is changing very rapidly and it IS time for all of us new “light workers.” Thank GodDess. But so many get their charts read only to find out that they have largely become doormats for those (all-to-ready-to-take-advantage-of-them) around them. Many N/P people simply are excessively hypersensitive and/or had parents who were either unavailable to them or were drunk or violent. The N/P person hid in his or her closet doing artwork, staring holes through comic books and otherwise building and populating castles in the sky.

Whenever I get these kind of clients, which is all-too-common, I have to work so hard trying to show them that those days are long gone and that they may still be acting as if they are still in that dysfunctional reality. Reality is so emotionally based; don’t you think?

So many tears have to fall for healing. So much forgiveness work must be done, especially for the self. We’re all doing the best that we can. Do not be misled: you need to have a STRONG ego before you can afford to put it in its place and let it go. How long has it taken us to figure this out? Real strength is when GodDess is working through us; we all know that. GodDess can’t work through a weak vessel. It’s that simple.

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