Recent Contemplation about the Divine Masculine
By Carmien Owen
The Divine Masculine is aware of who he is, and a man that has begun to embody this awareness opens a doorway to a blissful love. He understands that he has qualities to both stir up and love the world. And even his stirring up the world is really about shaking forms and effects up so that he can understand them more profoundly. After all, Spirit in form needs to function in form.
However, an important Truth has been misplaced for many over the past age. The Divine Masculine is as essential to the unlocking of Infinite Love as the Divine Feminine is. The man that is on the path to understanding, or has come to understand, this is a man with infinite potential. He has at the very least begun participating in the dance of his own mystical marriage and embraces both the feminine and masculine traits within himself.
Should a man opt to walk the path of sacred union with a partner, whether that be woman or man, he has an opportunity to have this journey empowered. After all, when a man seeks to understand more of himself what can be better than to have another individualized centre of God-consciousness reflect Truth to him, to see things from another perspective and in ways he cannot? When a man who is on the path to opening his spiritual heart attracts a partner into his life for the purpose of sacred union, he is creating an opportunity to unlock the mystery of Love in a deep way.
A man who is opening the spiritual heart and that has chosen to walk the path of sacred union will have to understand that the Divine Feminine is ever ready to bloom. This understanding may come to challenge cherished beliefs and may at first appear to rub against much mainstream understanding. For example, the life-creating experience of ejaculation is an energy that spiritual teachers of a number of traditions suggest could be better harnessed than through 3 seconds of bliss.
Science is highlighting that the brain on sex bent on an orgasmic conclusion is like a rollercoaster of brief highs with extended lows. Perhaps as a product of such imbalance and ignorance of the past age some women and no doubt many more men, who embody their gender as the emphasis, are ignorant of the full potential of pure Love. This is not always the case, but some (or perhaps many) have bought into the worship of emotional driven sexuality and worship the false god of orgasm as if the outcome is the point. And so for a multitude of reasons, many women have brought into this same false belief, and then cannot explain why after years of such sexuality they feel alone, drained and resentful.
The Divine Feminine longs to trust, to open her heart to the radiance pure Love. Without false belief and confusion the Divine Feminine radiates beautiful energy that attracts and magnetizes the atmosphere around her.
Beneath all the false belief, subjective tendency, cultural conditioning and ignorance, the Divine Masculine knows this. The Divine Masculine knows that the connection of the heart is the key to unlock the Divine Feminine. He understands that he must open his heart to her. The man that embodies this will find himself helpless in the realization of Truth as it unfolds. He will find ways to hug, kiss, dance, touch, cuddle, and hold her. He will take the time to explore his feelings and will offer up his insights and uncertainties to his partner as an extension of this pure love, his opening heart and his vulnerability. He will ask his inner Divine Wisdom to guide him with insight as to the cause of physical sensations he experiences. He will realize that the sensations he feels, whether physical, mental or emotional, are a product of memories, of past choices.
The longer he spent unaware of his Divine Masculine nature before this point the more work he will have, admittedly. But he will do all this knowing that the outcome of a blissful sacred union is inevitable. And as he does open his heart to her he will use his mind to imagine every such action as an outward reflection of pure Love within.
When a man that is embodying Divine Masculine connects with this truth he will understand that it can be no other way. As he radiates in this way the Divine Feminine will be profoundly attracted, and find herself eager to open and in turn nurture through pure love. They will enter into a virtuous cycle where his intention of purity ignites her to accept his radiance, and thus the cycle of sacred joining will begin. It won’t be long before he radiates this pure love because he cannot help it.
His partner will respond with an opening of their heart, and soon an upward spiral begins to build an unstoppable momentum, where the Infinite power through them both inspires realization; this is truly bigger than their objective-conscious minds can fully comprehend. In this humility all is changed, and the atmosphere around them both will ooze Love. Others that know them will notice this change. Those that do not know them will feel uplifted in some way.
The man that embodies such a knowing uses spare moments in his day to set the intention to radiate the purest Love to his partner, whether physically with them or not. He imagines his partner connected with his Love, and knows the same is reflected. With the mind’s power to create he demonstrates this, and consciously takes the time to savour their opening and accepting him. He senses he is offering a fulfilling and loving experience that the Divine Feminine has longed for. He maintains awareness of his self, and ensures his needs are met even as he is seeking to meet their yearning for pure Love. The magnetic and attractive qualities of the Divine Feminine’s radiance are for this very purpose. His intention of pure Love is that in all moments he acts, speaks and thinks of Love radiating toward his partner, and through them the world. She senses this unconsciously, and perhaps consciously, and feels an irresistible urge to accept, nurture and reflect this love back.
The man with this awareness imagines that this has an inevitable conclusion. Under the soft yet firm glaring radiance of pure Love from the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine opens herself in all ways. Such a man radiates pure Love to his lover in any moment where there are no worldly responsibilities to attend to. The union of their partnered essence a meditation. He imagines her heart in his, and his in hers, the mental embodiment of the inner internalized marriage of his Divine Masculine and Feminine. He revels in this mental communion and feels his own heart expand. He cultivates a vision of physical intimacy where they both walk through the garden of Love, yielding an undulating, over-flowing bliss, his days of orgasm produced by emotional day-dreaming of past pleasure dissolved into wisdom of his current understanding.
He feels the paradox of gentleness and the roar like the rushing white waters of an unending river within his heart, a dynamic tension of opposites. And through the One Universal Subjective Mind we all share, his partner feels this pure Love. They not only feel it, but open to it, thinking of him through loving embrace. When they next communicate they will tell him of their opening heart, his radiance like scaffolding in the rebuilding of her heart empowering her to open in ways she dared dream.
In short, they experience heaven on Earth together. What a sacred union this is. This is my vision for relationship.
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Carmien’s purpose is to inspire people to awaken to their spiritual magnificence. His primary passion is the pursuit of spirituality, and he does that through extensive practice, study, song writing, developing the spiritual vehicle at, and working rigorously toward receiving his Ministerial designation with the Centres for Spiritual Living. You can follow @KnowTheFlow on Twitter or connect with him on Facebook
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Beautifully put.. Thank you.