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Value and The Spiritual Meaning of Debt

Value and The Spiritual Meaning of Debt


The Spiritual Meaning of Debt – Part 3 – Value

By Jenny Griffin

debt_spiritual-meaning_money_value_OMTimesAre you valuing what you give (and giving what you value)?

This is the third and final part of this series on debt (Please see Part 1 and Part 2). This article asks questions about what you value to determine whether what you are giving aligns with your deepest value systems.

Let’s return to the spiritual meaning of debt as the desire to be closer to your perfect, abundant, authentic Self, and think about the best way to get there. So often people feel they are giving and giving, and debt can act as a reward, or a way of taking something in return for all the giving they’ve done. While it may be true that you have been a giver all your life, let’s start with some important questions about that.

1.  How have you felt about what you’ve been giving?

2.  Have you been giving resignedly, with the mindset that it is just who you are, or ‘the way things are,’ and/or no one else will do whatever it is you do, so you just keep on doing it?

3. Have you been giving out of obligation or duty, feeling that you owe this to life in some way?

4.  Have you been giving your time and energy to things you dislike, to simply survive or pay the bills, all the while feeling more and more disconnected from where you feel you really want to be?

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5. Has giving made you feel that you are owed by life for all the giving you’ve been doing, so that you’re willing to accept debt as a way of rewarding yourself and reaching for things that might otherwise be unavailable at the present?

6.  When you think about giving value, what does it mean to you?

7.  Where does your current value system stem from?

8.  Do you feel that you give people and situations something of yourself of value that they can take with them and enjoy?

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