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This is How God Works

This is How God Works

By Dr. Rosie Kuhn

Life of Pi is an extraordinary movie. It takes you on a phenomenal adventure, which includes a tiger.

After telling this phenomenal story to his listener – a young and exuberant listener, Pi provides a second adventure to consider, one that is more realistic, rational and logical – the way his father wanted him to look at the world. We are brought to possibility that perhaps Pi was delusional, due to the traumatic events he endured, and that perhaps he constructed a story about the tiger to compensate for his loss. Then Pi asks his listener: “Which story do you prefer.” The young man responds with “I like the story about the tiger best.” And, Pi, confidant in his knowing and truth, responds: “That’s how God Works!”

Each of us, who have watched the movie or read the book, have to answer the question for ourselves. Which story do we prefer – the fantastical one that is out of this world, or the logical, rational explanation?

I’ve been studying David Hawkins’ work. He provides an extraordinary description of life in the state of presence and the reality that is beyond logical/rational, dual and Newtonian reality. He talks about the potentiality that is, and that, because we are oneness and the totality of what is, we have access to potentiality of the Universe – after all, we are the potentiality of the Universe. When we understand and accept this as reality and truth then we understand that this is how God works. In that, the most outrageous phenomenon is possible because the Universe is made up of creativity and the potentiality with which to create. Our limited egoic thinking limits potentiality with logical, rational reasoning.

“In reality, nothing is causing anything else. Everything is the expression of its own essence and self-existence. Its appearance is dependent on everything else in the Universe and the point of view from which it is observed. Everything is actually self-existence in its reality, because everything is part of All That Is and has no individual parts, separateness, or independent existence.

In as much as it is not separate from everything else, its existence, as it is, requires no external cause. That which appears as manifest arises directly out of the unmanifest by the process of creation. It does not arise as an effect of something else. There is no ‘else,’ and only in duality does it seem to require an explanation, such as causality, to explain what appears to be separate events. Actually, there are no separate events, no separate things, and no happenings to be explained.” (David Hawkins, 2001, The Eye of the I, p. 110.).

By utilizing this perspective in relation to Pi’s story, something clicked in me and I realized the degree to which I was not only realizing the truth, but I was actualizing the truth of the life of Pi. This is how God works!

The more one lets go of any attachments to their position, thoughts and beliefs – the ones based on logical and rational reasoning, the more one evolves vibrationally. An individual’s resonance with truth becomes more harmonic. Actualizing the truth that one lacks nothing in this moment, is experienced as liberating, a lightening of the load, and a greater capacity to turn one’s will over to a higher power.

We wonder why certain spiritual do-dads, rituals and trainings work for some and why they don’t work for others. It can’t be a trick! It can’t be a trying. It can only be a practice of living into the realization that one lacks nothing in this moment. Inevitably one is willing to surrender their existence and all its expressions to God. The more real this becomes, that we are oneness and the source of all that is, the more Universal Source of All That Is begins to unfold in alignment with this TRUTH. Phenomenal and unexplainable occurrences being to show up regularly, and the degree of uncertainty we’ve carried all these years – perhaps lifetimes, disintegrates.

There have been many who’ve walked this path before me. I practice faith that their experience, which is explained as Universal, will be the same for me. I just keep letting go of worries, fears and uncertainties. This brings me to a greater capacity to relinquish attachments to stuff; it’s brought me to doing what I do now, only because I’m inspired to, and because it’s in alignment with my commitment to live in truth, not fear. And, lo and behold, I’m experiencing an evolving of Self that I had no access to prior to this practice.

See Also

Oneness: The Teachings (2003), says something like: The highest vibrational results are always forthcoming. Conscious evolution can’t take place as long as an individual is holding onto a position that limits potentiality. I’m now experiencing the evidence of this statement made by Oneness. There’s no magic, no tricks of the trade, no secrets to uncover – just truth. This is when life starts to get fun!

We are required to evolve to a different level of consciousness in order for our desired results to actualize into manifestation. It isn’t going to work to cultivate awareness of truth without working the muscles that bring about the fullest expression of that truth.

Each of us, on a daily basis, has to choose which story we like best – which story we want to live into. If we want to experience the full potentiality of our being we need to choose to release beliefs that limit that potential: One belief at a time – no more than that, and each of us will actualize the most phenomenal life imaginable, because, that’s how God works.

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