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Zucchini: Weight Loss Veggie Plus Many Health Benefits

Zucchini: Weight Loss Veggie Plus Many Health Benefits

Zucchini are in the squash family with yellow squash and crookneck squash… and Zucchini are packed full of wonderful healing abilities… plus they help you lose weight.

Zucchini are in full swing in the summer with hot weather lots of zucchini are popping up in the stores and they have very few calories. In fact one cup of zucchini only has about 35 calories and is full of wonderful fiber for good colon health and a good amount of protein too. Plus Zucchini contain lots of water and are low in sodium and thus don’t dehydrate you like processed foods and baked goods.

Zucchini are anti-inflammatory foods with lots of antioxidants that help to lower inflammation and thus help with asthma, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.

Plus Zucchini are important for preventing cancer and the fiber in Zucchini removes lots of toxins from the body and thus helps to prevent cancer. And because Zucchini has a lot of antioxidants it also works well for boosting your immune system and thus helping to prevent disease and especially cancer. And Zucchini are full of beta-carotene which is important for boosting your immune system… most of the beta-carotene is found in the skin… so cook your Zucchini with the skin on.

Zucchini are packed full of lots of A, B, and C vitamins and are wonderful antioxidants, and studies show that Zucchini can reduce prostate enlargement… and Zucchini lowers blood pressure too. And the B Vitamins in Zucchini are important for dealing with stress and for enzymatic reactions taking place in your body. And Zucchini have lots of potassium that’s important for cardiovascular health and water regulation.

Zucchini also contain polyphenols, such as lutein and zea-xanthin which are powerful antioxidants that are important for eye health and especially important for preventing macular degeneration. Zucchini also contain iron and copper for anemia, manganeses for muscle health and clotting, phosphorus and calcium for strong bones, and zinc for powering up your immune system and staving off colds and flues… and tryptophan for a good night’s rest.

Also Zucchini in all forms contains lots of pectin which contains D-galacturonic acid which helps to prevent diabetes and improve insulin balance. And Zucchini also contain Omega 3 oils that are important for cardiovascular health and also work as a great anti-inflammatory agent. There have been many studies showing that Zucchini can prevent gastric and duodenal ulcers and other digestive problems.

And there’s some indication that Zucchini seeds and especially the oil of the seeds… may have some antimicrobial abilities thus helping to prevent disease. And those same seeds are full of wonderful oils that help to control prostate enlargement and related symptoms… and Zucchini might help with multiple sclerosis too.

There are lots of different Zucchini including Yellow Crooknecks, Tatume which are oval in shape, Golden Zucchini, Pale Varieties from the Middle East, and Cocozelle which is a long thin Zucchini which is very sweet. And Zucchini flowers and tiny little Zucchini that are wonderful for cooking.

See Also

Zucchini are great in stir fries, stews, and soups, stuffed, grilled in sandwiches, pickles, made into burgers, relish, Zucchini pie, in crackers, salsa, in ratatouille, Zucchini lasagna, in muffins, Zucchini smoothies with additional fruits, and even in Zucchini bread.

You can find Zucchini at any great market… or you can grow them with ease.

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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax into Success, Punjab teas, and at – feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at June show to be about “Divine Particles”.

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