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Ask Whitedove – August 2013

Ask Whitedove – August 2013


Dear Michelle,

I have lived such a privileged life but it all seems so superficial. I know that I need to get out of this rut but I feel stuck. Any words of advice?

~ Prosperous in the Philippines

Dear Prosperous,

You have been blessed in this life!  To never be concerned about finances is something that you take for granted, even when poverty is widespread in your country and throughout the world. First – it is important for your spiritual growth to come from a place of gratitude. Look around you and count your many blessings.  Prayerful gratitude on a daily basis will help you to be more vibrant, creative and rejuvenate your soul.

See Also

Secondly – listen to that inner voice, the promptings of your heart. You will be drawn to assist humanity and be of service. So take action, be joyful, be grateful and then you will discover your mission and purpose. You can use your circles of influence to make sweeping changes for the good of your community.

From a karmic standpoint, those that have much are expected to do good deeds and help those less fortunate.  Right now your humanity is being tested.  At the end of this life you will return to your real home Heaven and you will participate in your Earthly evaluation. You will answer these questions as you review your life: Who did you love? Who did you help? How did your deeds affect the souls that you came into contact with?  Where you compassionate?    Maybe you should do a little life review thus far and check your answers. Your deeds are the only things that you take into the next realm.

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