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Astrology Forecast for August 19-25, 2013

Astrology Forecast for August 19-25, 2013

This is a shoot-first, look-later influence, triggering sudden, emboldened, even shocking realizations, moves, leaps, shifts, eruptions, blows, breakthroughs, breakups and just plain breaks. Connections, associations, organizations, even dreams could change in the blink of an eye — or the flash of a flame igniting a match (fuse/firework/oil-soaked rag). You could find that action you’ve been mulling over is suddenly a done deal, birthed by a boldness, daring and insistence you might not have thought possible.

What sets off this week’s flurries isn’t necessarily dramatic, however, although some of it certainly will be. Situations have become so destabilized, and so ripe for a new form, that they could morph at the slightest touch, like a person walking by a house of cards and the air movement, or a creaking floorboard, being enough to cause the structure to collapse.

Relationships in particular will look quite different on the other side of this. It’s the final tightening of the t-square that has Jupiter opposite Pluto, the agent of unavoidable change. Both are bearing down on Uranus, and the place where all the pressure will dump out is across from Uranus, in Libra, the relationship sign. It’s as if an archer has been pulling a bow and arrow back excruciatingly far and is finally letting the arrow fly. It lands on the playing field of relationships, which will shapeshift into forms that are ultimately more suitable for you.

See Also
Astrology Forecast August 2021

While the excitement, blasts and shock waves are reverberating, the Sun and Mercury move into the feet-on-the-ground, analytical mode of Virgo, on Thursday and Friday. The shift provides both grounding and distance. It kicks us into objectivity, helping us to think, talk and strategize about everything that’s going on as well as how all of it can be improved upon. “What does this mean?” “What can I do with/about this?” are more probable reactions than swearing at the sky, the gods or another person, even when yet another shoe drops.

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