Astrology Forecast for August 25 – September 1 2013

by Kathy Biehl
Last week was full of jolts, hair-pin turns, game-changers and eye-openers. Even if you made it through without whiplash (and some people did), you have been feeling the effects — and so, increasingly, are key relationships.
Your vision is different. Your heart and attitude are, too, particularly where a core factor is concerned. Situations and viewpoints that were rooted in certainty have been yanked into — well, you aren’t completely sure what.
That’s what you’re figuring out now. Venus, the planet that rules all we value, is running a gauntlet of harsh contacts to all the players behind last week’s dust-ups. The dust-ups are finding their way to relationships, agreements (particularly involving money) and general good manners, working them over and ultimately tempering them. Over the weekend, Venus heated up huge and primal desires and yearnings that are screaming for satisfaction and threatening (yea, verily, requiring the rewriting of) the foundations of many a relationship. Now she is staring down rebellious, uncontrollable, unconfinable Uranus, and last week’s turmoil is sending shock waves into all our relationships.
Perhaps you’re chomping at the bit for something new and daring, but it’s out of reach. Perhaps you see the relationship changes that are inevitable after last week and the prospect is freaking you out. Perhaps, also because of last week, certain arrangements are fraught with nervousness, edginess and electricity. Perhaps you are tingly with readiness for the next, inevitable, exciting stage, but circumstances are not quite lined up for it.
No worries. (That’s just a figure of speech, you realize.) Venus’ next stop has the potential to escalate and capitalize on last week’s twists and turns and also reveal the silver lining within them. She’s making a forceful link to Jupiter that speeds up the epidemic of growth spurts. It’s pushing the desire for gratification and indulgence to the max. It’s hinting at the personal benefits in even the most unwelcome events of last week, and those hints are coming through relationships. (Clue: appropriate ones are glowing all the more golden; detrimental ones are hurting all the more as well.)

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.