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Astrology Forecast for August 25 – September 1 2013

Astrology Forecast for August 25 – September 1 2013

Our hearts will have their way, in a big way, even if we can’t get it immediately. We’ll soon start trying, though. The drive to go for it ramps up before Venus moves out of this stalemate, when her cosmic partner Mars enters Leo, sign of the self, the eternal child, and fiery, playful, dramatic action.

After our hearts come to grips with last week, our minds wrap themselves around it. Cosmic messenger Mercury makes his own links to last week’s power players, and the dust-ups’ impact spreads through messages, mental workings and how we get around.  We lose interest in distractions and zero in on hard, empowering truths (from an easy link between Mercury and Pluto, on Wednesday). We face choices in perspective and frame of reference; we grapple with information that opens up our options and breaks us from expectations of what we assumed was coming (from an adjustment aspect to Uranus, on Thursday). By Friday, cause for optimism arrives and our information flow and outlook open onto sunny skies and better possibilities than we had foreseen (Mercury sextile Jupiter).

All that glitters is not gold; some of it is silver. It’s sparkling, if we’ll look, in what we’re seeing now. It has the potential to make us more confident and comfortable in ourselves, even if we have to cut away attachment to the past, or a fear, or a dead something that we’ve continued to carry around. At this point, cutting loose is only a good thing.

See Also
2019 Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse OMTimes

Monday:  Dreamland hosted a cavalcade of productive emotional processing that refocused our hearts and opened them to bigger, better possibilities. That’s why you start this week feeling that the last one wasn’t so bad after all. Stay in that vibe and you can enjoy a more objective view of the team player vs. Lone Ranger impulses currently in your relationship(s). Focus too much on either end of that dynamic, though, and you will bring on the impatience of experiencing this moment as a stalemate or a showdown. So head for the scenic outlook. Look at the players (this means you, too) as pieces on a game board, or characters in a movie.  Careful observation may win you a glimpse of what’s behind a mask, costume, make up, posturing or whatever’s been passing as reality.

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