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Astrology Forecast for August 5 -11 2013

Astrology Forecast for August 5 -11 2013

by Kathy Biehl

There’s no escaping the tension that is building. It is the metaphoric equivalent of labor pains. As they grow more and more noticeable this week, we may hope, wish, pray and, yes, even scream for release. That, alas, is a couple of weeks away.

The pressures leading up to that will make us extremely conversant with the areas of life that are undergoing profound, unavoidable and inevitable change. The labor pains metaphor is apt, because what’s happening is a form of birth.  We are well into an arduous, irreversible and life-changing physical process (and aware of it). It has waves of pressure and discomfort leading to water breaking, contractions intensifying and something, eventually, coming into being.

This week, the process draws attention to the condition of our foundations, and particularly how they’re faring in the ongoing upheaval. Measurable fundamental restructuring has already occurred in at least the last year (and to some extent since January 2008).  We’re only about one-third of the way through the remodeling, though, which will be intense through 2015.

See Also
2023 Gemini Full Moon

Jupiter is contributing his enlarging touch to this phase of the project. He directly opposes Pluto (agent of unavoidable, deep-level change) on Wednesday.  What’s coming up now is being exaggerated to the point of appearing cartoonish, not merely in political and collective news (currently an angry, gun-slinging mash-up of the Wild West, Old South and The Handmaid’s Tale), but also in our private lives.  Fears, insufficiency, hunger and overwhelming, even unfathomable emotions are welling around family and long-term security issues, traditions, food, emotional sustenance and nurturing.

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