Astrology Forecast for August 5 -11 2013

Pulling the covers over your head will not silence these issues. They will find you, even in your sleep, sorry to say, and push you to daring (for you) and unapologetic solutions that do not rely on anyone’s assistance or intervention. They may not take shape, and the new you may not fully reveal itself, for a few weeks, during which your idea of what’s about to happen may cycle through multiple versions. Jupiter will keep the pressure going until the 21st, when he squares Uranus (agent of unpredictable, radical change).
This stretch coincides neatly with the next lunar phase, which launches with Tuesday’s Leo New Moon and culminates in the summer’s second Aquarius Full Moon, on the 20th. In the midst of the rising and roiling waters, the Leo New Moon stokes our inner fires. It’s fueling fortitude, courage and the willingness to meet the pressures head-on and even enjoy them. It’s kindling impulses to live, love, shine and play. Take the stage (center, if you dare), step into the light and bask in it. You’ll dance right into the pivotal moment and be forcefully bearing down on the contractions yourself by the Full Moon. Read more in my mooncast, which will be posted by Tuesday.
Mercury adds to the joi de vivre when he enters the Sun’s base of Leo on Thursday. The ruler of communication and transportation is making like a fire that burns quickly and hot, spending only two weeks (again, that lunar phase) in the sign this time around. No one’s likely to endure the tension and upheaval quietly. We’ll be high-energy, expressive, dramatic and playful, maybe a bit childish, maybe a bit over the top, but definitely diving verbally into the fray.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.