Astrology Forecast for August 5 -11 2013

Thursday: You feel the change in vibe when Mercury shifts into Leo this morning. Thoughts and conversations go from feelings the sensation of being immersed in water to fieriness and excitement. People don’t want to process; they want to have express themselves and have fun. Unfortunately the rest of the day’s climate doesn’t support warm companionship and link-ups. Interactions are likely to be restrained, even if pleasant, and at times will feel out of sync. Spontaneity soars as the sun begins its approach to the horizon. Whatever the Jupiter/Pluto opposition has escalated in your life and environment, the later hours bring a comfort level with it. An open mind and willingness to let plans give are key.
Friday: A moment you’ve been waiting for comes today. So maybe it’s not *the* big one, but at least it invites, permits and actually facilitates your moving forward (for a change). In another welcome change, an air of brilliance and breakthrough surrounds relationships and money matters. As hearts settle into happy harmony (internally and likely with another person), the Moon goes void of course at 6:06 PM EDT. The good vibrations resound all night, so why not go out and play?
Saturday: Undercurrents that have been left unspoken swirl through our psyches during the night. Let them hang until the Moon clears her void and enters Libra at 9:09 AM EDT — and even then, hang tight as long as you can. Matters of the heart are best observed and not acted upon until early afternoon, at which point activity erupts like pent-up horses breaking out of a corral. Conversations flow more smoothly a few hours into the frenzy, when the dust starts settling. The opening to Bohemian Rhapsody loops throughout the evening. (“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”) You know the answer, on some level. Trust it.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.