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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Visions of a Universal Humanity

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Visions of a Universal Humanity


It’s very interesting to me how the world has been evolved by these totally impossible statements, and one of them was “Christ is risen”.  Now that changed the world when people believed that.  Here’s another one for which there was no evidence whatsoever, when Jefferson said, “We hold these truths to be self evident. All men are created equal.”  There was no equality.  None.  But it’s true, it’s self evident.  So I’m making the third impossible self evident statement, “We’re being born as a universal co-creative species.  Our crisis is a birth.”

This is another reason why I think it’s so important that we dare to state these memetic codes, getting back to “Visions”.  They may not yet be fully realized, but by you intending it, stating it and nurturing it, together you create it, and that’s the truth.

Essentially, the codes are really just ways of helping us become the creators that we’ve always been meant to be?

That’s right.  And you know, my definition of conscious evolution is evolution by choice not chance.

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How the Buddha Became a Christian Saint

So you would be like the spiritual Darwin?

Yes, I would be (laughing).  Well, Darwin thought that there were random mutations and natural selection.  He did not see that the mutations had a purpose.  And Neo-Darwinians don’t see any purpose.  They only see random mutation and selection based on reproductive success, basically.  Well, there’s much deeper thinking going on now.  There’s a tendency even in the genetic selection toward a certain degree of higher order and certainly the selection process doesn’t seem to be random. If you look at the long sweep of billions of years of evolution the current phrase is “evolution is not a random walk; evolution overcomes chance towards greater choice.”  The entire tendency of evolution is toward higher consciousness.  So, it looks to me like evolution is a long labor of love to create a co-creative species on this Earth and maybe throughout the universe.

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