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Can a Documentary Save Lives?

Can a Documentary Save Lives?

Michel Shane

We have a mentor program that give middle school kids support to succeed and the sole cost to them is they must “Pass It Forward” to stay in the program they must do a good deed for each session. This changes their mind set and creates a caring adult.

Omtimes: I understand there were some ironic events leading up to the death of your daughter. Can you tell us about them?

Michel: Yes that day will live forever in “what if’s” A suicidal man who will remain nameless drove for 30 minutes 17 miles on a Saturday afternoon of April 3, 2010 Easter weekend from the top of Topanga to Heathercliff Road.

6-911 calls, drivers following him and then he say my daughter walking where she should be, and had done hundreds of times before as had all her friends and other adults, the only way to get to the cross walk to cross PCH and he aimed his car at her to take her with him, hit her at 70 miles an hour and took her life. He walked away unscarred and when the EMT’s told him he had killed a little girl his exact words were ” The Bitch deserved to Die” my precious angel’s life taken away because some 26 year was having a bad day…

See Also

We could have met her anywhere, we could have delayed picking her up and on and on…But what is done is done and since her death we have tried to bring about change but it is impossible to get the state to move…so I will use the only way I know how, with film and a story

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