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Conscious TV – Week of 2 September 2013

Conscious TV – Week of 2 September 2013


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Dawn of the Golden Age

Premiers Monday, 02 September, 7:00 PM ET– Two of the least known forefathers of America are Francis Bacon and St. Germain. Historical documents suggest that these two played key roles in developing the principles of the new world government. David Wilcock explains who these two enigmatic figures were and their motivations to bring about the prophesized golden age. Plus, we learn of the AKRIJ contact that was publicized in an Italian magazine.

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Cult of the World

Premiers Tuesday, 03 September, 7:00 PM ET – We live in a world where many people simply accept what they are told to do and what to believe. It can be difficult to separate from this paradigm and live an authentic life. Terry Patten explains how we can use our higher consciousness to break free from the cult of the world, live authentically and rise to meet the unique challenges of our times in this interview with Regina Meredith.

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The Life Vessel

Premiers Wednesday, 04 September, 7:00 PM ET – What if there were a way for our bodies to realign with its inherent intelligence while we sleep, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed and renewed every single day? There may just be. Using light, vibration and sound, the Life Vessel creates a resonant frequency that takes the body to an otherwise untapped level of consciousness. Life Vessel creator Barry McNew shares his theory and supporting research in an interview with host Regina Meredith.

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Raw Food Revolution

Premiers Thursday, 05 September, 7:00 PM ET – Nutmeg. Cashews. Chocolate. This isn’t your grocery list; these are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Take an armchair world tour with David Wolfe, one of the top authorities on natural health, nutrition and superfoods. Wolfe has traveled to some of the world’s most remote places in search of foods that boost our overall health and longevity in unprecedented ways. Here he shares his top superfoods with host Lisa Garr.


Near Life Experiences

Premiers Friday, 06 September, 7:00 PM ET – It can be difficult for many of us to recognize the greatness we hold within and accept those moments in life when we are called upon to let our light shine through. After two Near Death Experiences and a long walking mediation, John St. Augustine came to understand that we all can choose to live fully by accepting responsibility for what goes through us. He shares these life-changing experiences and the wisdom he gained in this poignant interview with George Noory.

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