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Crystals and the Earth Element

Crystals and the Earth Element

The element, Earth, is associated with the Late Summer season and with dampness.

The element is associated with the spleen (pancreas) and stomach and related to the mouth.

The Earth is the source and provider of all our needs. The earth represents sensations, patience, stability, strength, health, grounding and centering of energies, promoting peace, fertility, money, business success, stability, warmth, comfort and physical labor. Earth is the element we are closest to home with, since it is our home. Earth doesn’t necessarily represent the physical earth, but that part of it which is stable, solid and dependable. Earth is the realm of abundance, prosperity and wealth.

Emotionally, this element is associated with nurturing. Intuition is believed to begin in the area of our Solar Plexus Chakra. Although, the Third Eye Chakra is most associated with intuition, the “spark” is what is felt in the area of our solar plexus and stomach. This being the biggest nerve center in our body connected to almost all the organs, the solar plexus is often where we consider our “gut” feeling to come from. This is also where the connection between the three lower Chakra interchange with the four higher Chakra energy centers.

The Earth Signs of the zodiac are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Those who are “earthy” are considered disciplined, premeditative, conventional and dependable. They are often responsible, methodical, and concerned with details. They can count on being grounded, savvy, practical and good at following regulations and procedures.

Emotionally when earth is imbalanced, it can either cause excess worry or pensiveness. The trait of “over thinking” is a spleen/stomach issue and can affect our entire being. Worry can consume the body and express itself as stagnation.

Physically, when the earth element is imbalanced, feelings that affect the stomach are common. The “knot” in the stomach or “plum pit Qi” (a tightening of the throat), nausea, vomiting, pain, ulcers (that eat away) are all the result of this imbalance.

Crystals Associated with Earth


Properties: This stone symbolizes faith, love, devotion and trust. Garnet is most famous for balancing our emotional states. Therefore, garnet is one of the best stones for soothing emotional stress and balancing out anger that is held in and not expressed. Garnet is a stone of passion. It is given as a gift of love’s attraction, a gift of estranged love or a gift of quick return. Red represent love and helps the aspirant to strive for improvement in moral conduct. When Garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with that individual. Garnet is a stone of commitment.

Himalayan Sea Salt:

Properties: Pure Himalayan Pink Salt is hand-mined in the Himalayan Mountains. This salt is known for its unique healing properties. According to the Global Healing Center, “this salt’s unique cellular structure allows it to store vibrational energy. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb them.”

Brown Jasper aka Picture Jasper:

Helps one find stability and balance. Benefits ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Keep in mind that this process takes some time since Jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more ecologically aware. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis.

Red Jasper:

This stone works much like Bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat. Also used for protection, courage, energy. Help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wounds. Red Jasper can be used at the Root Chakra and represents Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence. The color for the root chakra is red and it is grounded with your power. Red stones are considered projecting stones and are used to destroy disease, strengthen conscious, courage, strength, physical energy, luck, and success. Dense, heavy, and/or opaque.


Properties: Jet is a form of petrified wood similar to coal, though much harder. This stone has absorbing qualities. Helps draw out negative energy. Especially useful for people who have unreasonable fears that limit their lives. Therefore, that is why this black stone, it relates to the Root Chakra, the center that connects us to our earth energy. The Root chakra is connected to survival and our trust in the physical world, and in one’s own body. Recommended for stimulating psychic experience and guiding one in the quest for spiritual enlightenment. If worn, it should be set in silver. Jet has been used as a protective stone in life’s physical journeys. It’s known as a traveler’s amulet, and the wives of sailors often burnt it to protect their husbands while they were at sea.


Properties: This stone is traditionally used for health, wealth, and protection. Helps understand relationships and other realities. Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety. A visionary stone. Helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Can help us visualize not only the ultimate peak of physical, but of spiritual continuation as well. However, if you are confused or fearful, Peridot should be used in a limited way. Peridot is a warm and friendly stone. The more green the stone, it is used at the Heart Chakra, to clear a pathway, strengthening the breath of life, and the ideals of prosperity, growth, and openness. The more yellow the stone, it is used on the Solar Plexus Chakra.

See Also
Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 20 - Lemon Calcite

Petrified Wood:

Properties: This “stone” is most noted in helping us to investigate past-life experiences. Makes the user more aware of nature. It is a warm earthy stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging ones survival instincts and is grounding. Petrified Wood is also believed to energize the Heart Chakra. In mythological times, petrified wood was believed to possess divine power and to this day, stands as a symbol of man’s true connection to the natural world. This stone helps with mental longevity, helping to sooth emotions, generating calm and relieves stress.

Pyrite/Fool’s Gold:

(with iron) One of the most grounding stones in use today. Conducting, Energizing, Increases Wealth. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking/scatteredness etc. like Hematite. Helps Solar Plexus Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulfur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun’s golden energy. A mineralized crystal that forms in clusters of metallic like cubes. Color varies from a bright gold or brass to shades of copper or green. Found in most of North America as well as in Chile and Peru. “Fool’s Gold”. The most important gift of Pyrite, though, is its ability to aid mental capacity. Helps to balance creative and intuitive impulses with scientific and practical ones. communication skills can also improve with the help of Pyrite, which eases anxiety and frustration. Strongly suggested for people who tackle large conceptual ideas in business, the arts, or education. Effective in attracting money to its owner.

Shiva Lingham:

Properties: Lingam is the sacred Sanskrit word for phallus. In Tantra, the shape embodies the masculine energy; dynamic expression and knowledge. The markings or Yoni depicts female energy; wisdom and intuition. The Tantric Shiva Lingam unifies the dualistic female/male world into harmonious balance. This Sacred Stone relates to the Heart Chakra, and represents the harmony and balance of the soul that is maintained within the hearts of all of us. Shiva Lingham stones are used for spiritual detox, allowing us to see the higher knowledge within ourselves. The stone gives us the capacity for hanging on to the beliefs which work the best for us and letting go of those beliefs which no longer serve us. When used during meditation, lingam shows us how to connect with our physical and spiritual energies and therefore, our higher selves.


Properties: This stone is most famous as an amazing over all healer for illnesses in the physical body and mental/emotional issues. Turquoise is known as a stone of protection and communication on every level. It is a stone most attune to the thymus gland. The thymus is located in the upper part of the chest between the heart and the throat and produces T-lymphocytes (white blood cells that fight infections and destroy abnormal cells). It is an important organ of the immune system. This is exactly why turquoise has an effect on the entire body. Use turquoise at the Throat Chakra, to encouraging communication between heart and mind as well as expressing your desires and dreams. It opens the Throat Chakra, for clear communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding and uplifting through verbal expression. Turquoise can be placed at the Heart Chakra to energize the thymus, heart and immune system. Opens this Chakra for giving and receiving.

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