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Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing

Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing


I’m a person just like you. Each and every one of us has our own special gifts and talents. I was gifted with the ability to access an expanded level of healing and accepted the responsibility that came along with it of imparting this ability to others. This expanded level of healing and evolution is called Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection.

What is Reconnective healing?

Reconnective Healing is a comprehensive healing approach that transcends the complex rituals and techniques integral to numerous energy healing modalities. It is an easy, non-invasive way that everyone can learn how to do, to help heal others and themselves. 

How did you encounter Reconnective Healing?

See Also

For 12 years I was very happy as a doctor. I had one of the largest and most successful chiropractic practices in Los Angeles and that was how I thought I would spend my life. But, you see, I went home on a Thursday thinking that I was a Doctor of Chiropractic and when I came back on that Monday, I was something else. Mind you, my parents had always told me that I was something else, but this probably wasn’t what they had in mind.

That Thursday I was awakened in the middle of the night by a bright light. I opened my eyes to see what it was. It wasn’t anything seemingly spiritual or metaphysical, it was just the lamp next to my bed. It had turned itself on. I had that lamp for a good 10 years, it had never turned itself on before. And at the same time it felt as if there were people in my home, which was a somewhat uncomfortable feeling, shall I say. So I got up bravely with a knife, a can of pepper spray and my Doberman pincher and I went hunting through the house. I couldn’t find anyone, so I went back to sleep telling myself it had to have been my imagination.

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