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Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing

Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing


True healing is about balance. When we focus on getting rid of a symptom, we are focusing on getting rid of only a part of the problem – the physical, the mental, and the emotional manifestation of that problem. In Reconnective Healing we discover that the less we know about why the person thinks they’ve come in to see us, the better off that person is, because the less likely we are to focus on the symptom of the problem and therefore limit the outcome of the healing according to what we believe may or may not be possible. In other words, a true Reconnective Healing practitioner tends to bring about much greater results than energy technique healers because Reconnective Healing practitioners simply pay no attention whatsoever to what the supposed “problem” or symptoms are. Instead they step in with the consciousness of allowing that person to return to their peak vibration of energy, light and information. This therefore allows for any of the imbalances to simply vibrate out of the picture as most appropriate for that person to return to their optimal state of health. 

You named your healing modality Reconnective Healing.  What are we reconnecting? 

We are reconnecting with our original true spiritual essence, that part of us that we reconnect with in between lifetimes. We are learning how to become one with that consciousness, with that state of being, now, while we are here on this physical plane. 

See Also

What is one action we can take today to begin Reconnecting? 

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