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Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing

Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing


Now, just as with any profession, you can’t read a book and become a professional practitioner. If you read a book on hair dresser or dentistry, you may learn to take better care of your hair and teeth, but you’re not a professional stylist or dentist. Reading the book does not make you a practitioner, but it does teach you how to bring a more evolved level of healing to yourself, your friends and your family.

How does Reconnective Healing relate to healing from bodywork, energy, or prayer?

Body work tends to free up energy utilizing various physical approaches. Prayer is often a request of a nature between an individual – or, sometimes, a group of individuals – and God. Our energy healing techniques tend to be hands-on or hands-off approaches to healing. At least in their optimal design.

Reiki, Johrei, Jin Shin, QiGong – each of the different energy healing techniques, whatever the name we give them – access different portions of the energy field because via a technique all we can access is a subset or fragment or fraction of energy. Reconnective Healing is not a technique. It’s a way to transcend our techniques and therefore takes us beyond the entirety of energy and energy healing and into a spectrum of not just energy, but also light and information – aspects of light and information not previously seen here before now.

See Also

Let’s phrase it this way – the gift or the reward of stepping into Reconnective Healing is that this allows us to completely transcend the complicated techniques and fear-based rituals of energy healing. And in return we are able to facilitate healings that are far greater, that tend to be fairly instantaneous and tend to last for the lifetime of the person. The challenge is whether or not we are willing to transcend our techniques.  Or, we can say that the gift or the reward of accessing Reconnective Healing is that it allows us to completely demystify the healing process. The challenge is whether or not we’re willing to allow the healing process to be demystified. The question, therefore, is if we’re not willing to transcend our techniques to do less to bring about more… we need to ask ourselves why. And if we are not willing to completely demystify the healing process to allow it to become clear and transparent for everyone, then we need to ask ourselves why. And if we are not willing to ask ourselves why… then we need to ask ourselves why we are not willing to ask ourselves why.  Because it is within that question, the willingness to ask that question, that lies our true mastery.

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