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Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing

Dr. Eric Pearl – Reconnective Healing


Can Reconnective Healing lessen people’s dependency on pharmaceuticals, surgeries, and other conventional treatments? If so, how?

Once the body returns to its natural state of balance, our health tends to optimize itself. And, once in that state, often the imbalances that may have resulted in health challenges leave, so the need for the various treatments we are undergoing may no longer be there. At other times, the result may be that we attain more optimal results from the various treatments that we are undergoing. Either way, the need for these treatments may be lessened or completely alleviated HOWSOEVER if you are under the care of a medical doctor who has prescribed medications for you, you should only change your treatment care UNDER THE DIRECT GUIDANCE AND SUPERVISION OF YOUR MEDICAL DOCTOR.

Can anybody be taught to do this? 

Anyone can learn how to do this work. We have not yet had someone attend a seminar that couldn’t learn how to access these new frequencies of energy, light and information. The question is whether they are willing to transcend the traditional energy healing techniques and rituals that come from fear, lack and limitation and, instead, facilitate a healing that comes from love, light and abundance.

See Also
Train Your Brain

We also have thousands of medical professionals around the world, including doctors, nurses and physical therapists that have attended our seminars and now incorporate Reconnective Healing into their healthcare practices. Many report that Reconnective Healing gives added benefit to their patients and gives them an alternative option to things such as surgeries and prescription medicines.

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