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Easy Steps to Selfless Synergies

Easy Steps to Selfless Synergies

By Scott Taylor Lynch

The use of self has come to be a birthright to all of humanity. Wise stewards, even if they know their heart well, find a way to move their lives along without ego. True champions look for ways to lift themselves, their community, the planet and conscious up with innovation of our hidden gifts. Just a small shift in established norms and perceptions can create synergies plus heighten the connection to the natural oneness in the Universe.

The big things we do in our lives; build a home and a family, commute and grow our chosen work, find spirituality in a giving and loving way, should always be manifested without thought of self or ego. In the name of this, or in the name of that, often we make decisions in contrast to this time tested human tenant of life. Homes we cannot afford far from work. Poor mileage or fancy cars that are no more useful than a phallic symbol. Teaching and striving that work is based in money, not for your talents nor to fit your God given abilities and temperament. Not accepting into your heart all of the positive aspects of the varied religions of our world, and heightening them for future generations, instead of being caught in dogma. Everyone has felt the weight of existence, instead of bowing to it, allow it to fly!

Memorable moment—The Talking Heads’ 1980 song, “Once in a Lifetime.” Cutting edge videos on endless rotation on the new and powerfully influential Music Television (MTV). Solid New Wave rhythms accenting the protagonist mantra, “How did we get here?” If your currently troubled with your mortgage or home accommodations—create selfless synergies to transcend. If you are overextended, take a loss in housing in order to attempt a better tax or monetary situation moving forward in your life. Reach out to all peoples and business in your efforts. Give love to the land you habitat by cultivating a garden or helping natural plants reestablish themselves. Build communities! Make sure you are close to work or have good public transportation, you never know the help you might meet along the way.

Motion is alluring to all. The waves in motion, clouds rolling by, road holidays of past…snapshots of our lives as we age. Do not let those feeling manifest themselves into a sports or luxury car! Not to mention MPG or insurance, those monies could be used to heighten your home life or help with the rearing of the kids. Listen to children and others dreams for the future, discuss and advise them how to go after it, this is man’s prime defense against ego-centric behavior. There is such great joy when a child’s, or the child like, face lights up when acknowledging love or enlightenment. I’ve never know a car to notice a kid’s hard work at education or hobby. A car will never say, “I love you.”

Love is the basis for all the religions in the world. Love takes time to grow, it also takes time to understand spirituality, how it fits into your life. Moving forward in your life: read, educate, and visit areas which typify different beliefs for yours. Form point and counterpoints to the ethic(s) you are familiar with. Let time and experience form new thoughts and share them with others. Don’t accept that your story has been told before. E pluribus unum (Out of many, one).

See Also
Sacred Space

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About the Author

Scott Taylor Lynch is an At-Risk Educator plus a Special Needs instructional and physical aide. A former Cable News Network employee with editorial and technical experience. Scott lives in Northeast Alabama at 1250 feet above sea level.

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