Forecast for August Aquarius Full Moon

August 20-21, 2013 6:45 PM PDT / 9:45 PM EDT / 1:45 AM GMT 28 Leo 11 / 28 Aquarius 11
This is when the pressure erupts. This when the water breaks, the labor pains escalate into regular, forceful contractions and birth quickly follows.
The huge themes of the past two to four weeks are hitting a point where Something Has to Happen. Processes are already underway, most with no stopping or calling back. The tensions, the stirrings, the urgings, the growing suspicions, the new-found resolve — all these are already reshaping inner landscapes and outer situations. We’re in an epidemic of enormous, sudden but not unexpected movement.
This week’s Full Moon is the culmination of a longer than average Moon cycle, as well as a major and transformative astrological confirmation. The prolonged cycle began with the first Aquarian Full Moon on July 22, at the very first degree of Aquarius, while this week’s Moon is at the next-to-last degree of the sign. (The degrees alone should signal beginning stages moving to a completion stage, even if you aren’t particularly conversation in astrology.) The weeks between them have coincided with what may be the most intense single aspect configuration of the entire year: bigger-is-better Jupiter heating up the ongoing battle between Uranus and Pluto, the agents of radical and unavoidable change.
Each of these Full Moons has been lighting up how well, effectively or comfortably our group associations validate, foster or have room for our individuality. In July, Jupiter had a showdown with Pluto and whipped up huge, primal life-altering rumblings in our psyches and the foundations of our lives and world. Friendships, organizations and long-standing dreams and wishes have been especially feeling the heat. So has any situation that has invalidated, demeaned, undercut or otherwise made us feel less than good about ourselves.
Now Jupiter is bearing down on volatile Uranus, the planet that rules the Full Moon, and release is inevitable. Many situations, arrangements and attitudes have hit the end of the line. You can not keep going the way you have. Anybody’s guess how the individual sagas will play out — Uranus is a wild-card wielding trickster — but it’s a given that at least one major component of every life will shape shift this week, and probably suddenly.
There’s a significant fed-up quality to what’s going on. No more throwing your gifts in front of people who don’t even see them, much less appreciate them. No more dancing and performing and waving frantically for attention. No more putting up with. No more letting objectionable behaviors, beliefs, expectations or projections slide off your back. No more sticking out negative-to-hellish situations because you fear you haven’t tried hard enough, or because you hope that if you hang in just a little longer the other person will see the light/resolve his problems/issues/hesitance/fill-in-the-blank and your connection will magically transform into bliss, or even into common decency.
Beware putting focus and responsibility outside yourself. If other people aren’t paying attention to you, instead of publicly shaming them and flooding social media with “poor me” posts, why not move on? If you keep one foot (or hooks) in a situation that a greater force is removing from your life, clinging will make the removal process all the more messy, painful and possibly even dangerous.
Big words for what’s going on are self-actualization and individuation. Change is coming from within. Relationships will sort themselves out soon enough.
Do not fear this. That’s futile. So is resistance. Besides, you’ve been looking for a way out. It’s here. And better than that: Dead structures are imploding New structures are bursting into being.
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SPECIAL FOR OMTIMES READERS: Mention OMTimes when you book and get a 20% discount on a 60 minute astrology consultation with Kathy. This offer is good through 5 PM EDT August 30, 2013. Read more information and book a session here.

Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.