Helping Save The Honeybees

A study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS ONE by scientists at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture stated, “Recent research is uncovering diverse sub-lethal effects of pesticides on bees.” Earlier this spring, the USDA released a report stating its fears that the U.S. does not have enough honeybees to pollinate crops this year, meaning our nation’s food supply could be at risk.
Long before colony collapse disorder hit national news, Ted Dennard, lifelong beekeeper and owner of Savannah Bee Company, made it his personal mission to protect these vital creatures. Last week he officially started The Bee Cause Project: a not-for-profit that teaches children the ABCs of honeybees, beekeeping, and the importance of both. The goal of The Bee Cause Project is to put observation hives in 1,000 schools, instilling a sense of responsibility for our environment in our nation’s children.
In his retail stores, Dennard started a “God Save the Queen (bee)” campaign to raise awareness. He supports local beekeepers and their honeybee-friendly methods of beekeeping and produces products made with the finest ingredients from the hive. His body care products are made with real honey and everything he sells goes to perpetuate honeybee life and activity.
Current non-profits and initiatives surrounding CCD are great for aiding our immediate problems; however, Dennard recognizes the importance of raising future generations of honeybee advocates. He educates children in local and regional classrooms, at science fairs, and on field trips. “I want to raise a generation of kids that know how important the honeybee is,” Dennard said. “A generation that when someone says ‘bee,’ they don’t think ‘sting’ but they think of the wonderful little pollinator and its role in the ecosystem and our lives.”

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