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Quantum Gliding

Quantum Gliding

By Cristina Smith

It seems like so many of us have been dramatically changing in the past couple of months~ at least it feels like it on the inside. We can’t really tell if it looks much different on the outside.

It seems like often the most profound changes on the inside don’t look like much at all on the outside. Maybe you have an epiphany while picking an orange from a tree. You are standing there, clippers in one hand, orange in another. From behind your eyes, an amazing revelation alters your perspective. You know will never be the same again. That moment stops time and it seems like you have been standing there for an eternity. You pick the fruit, write down the information and then eat the orange in order to fully embody the epiphany. Total elapsed earth time: 45 seconds.

Sometimes major shifts are induced by circumstances often catalyzed by astrological transits. Navigating through these moments and not letting them slip away through the busy-ness of day to day life is a skill to be cultivated and practiced indeed.

Since so much has shifted so rapidly, it feels like we are on a pair of ice skates gliding swiftly yet elegantly on the mirror-like ice of personal evolution. It’s kind of exciting~ every moment contains the potential of amplified growth opportunities. As we elevate our consciousness, we can be constantly on the look out for these moments- be it in taking the elevator into the parking garage of the downtown office, to sitting in meditation. The evolutionary pace has increased so exponentially that this time right now seems to call for gaining some skill in quantum gliding.

Quantum gliding is the ability to see any event in your world as integrated into your quest for enlightenment. There is no separation in your worlds. In physics, quantum is defined as an abrupt change in the energy state of an elemental unit, such as a molecule, atom, or subatomic particle. Such particles do not smoothly transition from one energy state to another; rather, they jump or leap from a state of rest to an excited state, for example, accompanied by the absorption or emission of a particle carrying the equivalent energy. Such changes are dramatic and instantaneous, but small in magnitude. In our spiritual warrior application, it’s all about the quantum leaps that we experience, but from the outside look like we are merely eating an orange.

Ahhhh… but what an orange…

Have you noticed any shifts in your world?

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Author’s BIO

Medical intuitive Cristina Smith is a Subtle Energy specialist and author. Her writings, sessions and programs skillfully weave proven techniques and profound wisdom from the subtle energy realms of healing and the esoteric into ways to make your life better now. You may contact her at:

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