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Relationships: The Last Person On Earth

Relationships: The Last Person On Earth

By Cori Savenelli

It’s that time of year again. We are all “love struck”. Those of us who are in a relationship are striving to uncover and travel to the place that provides the most powerful geographical aphrodisiac!

Those of us who are single are putting ourselves under a physical microscope to evaluate flaws and to figure out the fastest and most accurate way to make ourselves more attractive, which usually includes crash diets, insecurity, depression and endless workouts.

Others who are in relationships about which they are unsatisfied will begin to ponder, to compare their own with those of others who are so seemingly happy.

So big deal, right? It’s normal to want to better ourselves, to be in love, to look good. True. But for whom are we diligently trying to alter who we are? Or alter our paths? We do this for others who are equally as insecure and are focusing on their own metamorphoses.

Feeling as though you are less because others appear to have romantic love is to distrust the flow of energy and to misunderstand the intention of the universe, which is to find the perfect match for you, at the perfect stage in both of your developments, at the perfect time, for exactly what you both need in the NOW. And sometimes the universe knows you need to be alone, to continue your development accordingly at that time. So often we are remarkably critical of ourselves, blaming our “singles” status on our appearance. Rubbish.

This displeasure with who we are physically has little to do with what others actually think of us and more to do with what we BELIEVE they do. People rarely see “others” in their perfectionist attitude toward outward beauty, only mirrors reflecting their own insecurities. Imagine you are the last person on earth. Would you really care if you had love handles? Went up three sizes in your thirties? Had a visible birthmark? Gray hair? Wrinkles? Of course not, right?

Imagine you had a lover who saw only your soul, your love and your kindness and judged your beauty and attractiveness based on those qualities? Would you really care about manicures and trendy clothing? Probably not. The reason for this is because you would be focusing on improving your light, your soul energy to share with your partner, not the size, shape and construction of your body.

The mind, body and soul are connected and together form a whole being in this incarnation. However, we tip the scales so frequently in the direction of physicality that we forget the other things we need to develop like love, gratitude, kindness and charity.

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Without the soul, the body would be lifeless, a statue in the garden of time. Without the body, the soul, mind and spirit will always strive and when the latter are displeased with how infrequently we let them ride shotgun, they rebel and show us the body to which our dimming attention to our spirits belong. We then become increasingly displeased with our physical beings as time moves on.

Don’t be afraid to have an imperfect house for your soul. What we need to be weary of is having a perfect house with vacant space behind the door.

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