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Releasing Regrets

Releasing Regrets

By Janice Chrysler

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

There are very few people who look back on the path they have already traveled without some regrets for the road they chose to take or the actions and decisions they made. Letting go of the past is one of greatest challenges we have in life. That Victim Archetype, which is in all of us, will hold onto anger, hurt and self pity as it is easier to blame others for our lot in life than it is to step up to the plate and take responsibility for our life. Why do we resist change so much? If we continually do the same thing over and over, nothing will ever improve in our lives. To always to the known is to remain in the past. Too bad we often lose the Innocent Child Archetype within us that isn’t afraid to venture out and explore, discover and learn new things. Perhaps that is where our problem lies; our resistance to change is fear based.

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of responsibility
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of having to make a decision
  • Fear of making a fool of ourselves
  • Fear of what others think of us
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of being without, insecurities
  • Fear of not being loved, liked or accepted into the group

How do we get over clinging to our regrets? It isn’t always easy, as we have to re-program our thinking and often learn to let go of what we have come to believe as “gospel” that has come from others. It all comes back to starting within and listening to what is true to us and reclaiming our connection to Spirit, discovering our purpose and believing that we can do anything.

Whether we consciously realize it or not, our future is being shaped every second through our thoughts.. Thinking about what could have been, should have been or might have been does nothing to assist us in moving forward. Accept the fact that you made the choice for whatever the reason and here you are. You cannot go back and do it over but you can use the experience as a wonderful tool to plan your next move. If the result created pleasure then you know what to do in the future to bring that about again. If it created pain, then you know what NOT to do in the future, unless of course you want the same outcome.

We only have this moment in time to live. Take a chance, step out of that comfort zone and experience life, even just a little. Age, health and financial state have nothing to do with it. If we truly desire something we can find ways to make it happen…maybe on a smaller scale but happen it will! Every thing we do begins first with a thought. Be mindful of what you are thinking as it will become your reality. During those times when you find yourself looking back and thinking about things you wanted to do with regret of never having done so, ask yourself the following questions, you may be surprised at the answers!

  • Do I still have an interest in that activity, subject?
  • Why did I want to do that? What was the passion behind it?
  • How could it best serve me today if I were to find a way to make it happen?
  • What positive thing did I learn from my past decision to either do this activity or not?
  • If I still would like to do this, are there other avenues I could take now that would fill that void?
  • What is the best thing that could happen if I tried?
  • What is the worst thing that could happen if I tried?
  • Am I willing to take the risk? Why or why not?
  • What “fear” is holding me back?

Make a decision to either bring this into your life or accept it was an opportunity that you chose to let go and find peace with that.

As we continue through our spiritual journey we will gain the understanding and acceptance that all things are possible. Living in the past and holding onto regrets just takes up too much space in our minds and hearts. Of the 60,000 thoughts that daily race through our minds, 90% are from the days and years before. We decide what ones we repeat. Let go of the regrets; replace them with memories and thoughts that will provide you with positive energy and empowerment. If you have regrets then realize that you and you alone have the choice on solving the situation to best serve you today. You can’t go back but rather think about what would be best and for the higher good today and what can pave the road to what you wish to manifest in the future?

See Also
potato juice

Use this positive affirmation daily over the next couple of weeks to help you to overcome any regrets, remorse or other negative energies from your past and to remind you that you have the choice to make changes.

“Every moment I have a choice between holding onto regrets, remorse and grievances or choosing forgiveness, love and light. I therefore choose forgiveness by sending love and light to others and most importantly myself. I remind myself that I too am a creation of the Divine. By loving myself as a creation is to love the Creator.”

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