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The Gift of Laughter

The Gift of Laughter


Inspirations with Lisa Garr

Discover the Secrets of Mind-Body Wellness

Featuring Yakov Smirnoff

Premiers Thursday, 15 August at 7pm ET

GI-FB_Promo-YakovS According to Yakov Smirnoff, laughter is more than just a human response; it’s a gauge of a happy relationship. The Russian expat comedian has spent the last several decades delivering the gospel of laughter. In his interview with host Lisa Garr, Smirnoff shares his story, his anecdotes, and his mission for spreading the gift of glee.

Yakov Smirnoff is a popular name in the entertainment scene having starred in movies, sitcoms and late night talk shows. He is also a professor at Drury University where teaches about the relationship of love and laughter. His passion is helping people extend their honeymoon stage of their relationships and fall in love and laughter all over again.

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See Also

Inspirations with Lisa Garr on GaiamTV


Inspirations with Lisa Garr features leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore ancient wisdom, gain personal insights and learn about spiritual enlightenment.

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