To Be an Emissary of Compassion
By Angela R. Loëb
We live in a dynamic place of complimentary opposites – positive/negative, male/female, light/dark. When we are born into this plane of complimentary opposites, the unconditional becomes conditional. However, somehow we are still able to grasp the concept of being unconditional even as we are being conditional about love. Just as we are able to grasp the concept of being one, while we are being more than one. We don’t see it logically with our mind, but we know it is true at some other level of awareness.
While living in this conditional state of being, we sense that there is a divine love greater than anything we have ever experienced on Earth together.
Fortunately, we have access to at least one aspect of this divine love, and that is compassion.
Compassion is defined as a “deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.” (Source: Many cultures and spiritual traditions consider compassion to be one of the greatest virtues. In some, both human and divine figures are capable of being emissaries of compassion, giving aide and comfort to those in pain and distress.
We cannot know the fullness of what compassion means without first giving it to ourselves. And in order to do that, you must stop inflicting suffering on yourself. This means you must let go of self-judgment, guilt, remorse, regret, self-chastisement and self-abuse. When you give yourself the gift of compassion, you will know deep peace and grace… and you will experience a connection to your higher self.
Each of us has a connection to higher self, which is where we tune into the realm of divine love. This connection allows for the releasing of your past and the dissolving of all strands of negative energy associated with it. In doing this, you practice compassion for yourself.
Be assured that you are whole and always have been. It is just that so many of us have forgotten all our parts that make up the whole.
Did you know that to be healed doesn’t mean to be cured, it means to be whole? Your higher self-connection helps you to re-member your fragments and be healed by being in compassion for yourself.
If we desire for the people of our world to heal, then we can make this come about by remembering our own whole selves. Yet we are tempted to forget this because the pain of people on our planet is strong as it pulls on us and engulfs us in its sorrow. But in having compassion for ourselves, we lift ourselves from its mire, from its thickness.
So, love for ourselves is the place we start. When we love ourselves, we love all because we share life essence with each other. The truth is that you are only able to love others to the extent that you love yourself because you are only able to give what you have and do what you know.
Compassion is the key. Have compassion for yourself. Judge not how you have perceived yourself until now, but embrace yourself and expand into your full beingness. As you express compassion for yourself and accept yourself as the divine-spark being that you are, your capacity of whole beingness expands as the universe expands. You began to know your of-ness… that you are of delight, of joy, of all creation and of limitless essence.
And from that state of beingness, you are truly able to embody and emanate the aspect of divine love known as compassion. That is when you become an emissary of compassion on Earth.
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Angela Loëb is an author, speaker and self-development consultant who loves to study, teach and write about mind mastery, spirituality and life purpose. More at

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