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Ask Whitedove – September 2013

Ask Whitedove – September 2013


A personal advice column by America’s #1 Psychic

By Michelle Whitedove

Dear Michelle,

As a beginning Psychic Medium, I greatly appreciate your journey and have read your books to help me better understand how to do this work for myself.  But still have many questions.  I’d like to know, do your guides interpret the energy of the departed for you, or do you actually connect with the departed loved ones of the client?  – Beginning Medium in Bellingham

Dear Beginner,

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We all have to start somewhere, and the journey of becoming a Spiritual Medium is an ongoing learning process.  In fact it never stops. The more you use your abilities, the more psychic growth you will archive. As for me, I was born with the gift of sight. As a small child I could see spirits and communicate with Angels, Guides and the Departed. This was natural for me and in fact I was surprised to realize that not everyone could see those souls.  As I grew in my abilities, I learned to ask “Spirit” for the answers I was seeking through prayer, meditation and telepathic communication.  I dedicated myself to my spiritual growth and gradually I could, see, hear, and accurately know the answers.

When I was encouraged by Spirit to become a professional Medium, I had the additional pressure of contacting Departed Loved Ones and receive answers on demand.  This was a great deal of pressure because you cannot force a Loved One to come through.  If they have a message, they will pop in for direct communication. But there other times, when the soul is not available because they are busy with their own evolution in the Heavens. In those cases I go in through the back door and I ask God, my Angels and Guides to connect with their energy so I can retrieve answers.  With that being said, a Medium is not an all-knowing Oracle. Spirit will test you. One day you still have to be humble enough to say I’m not connecting to that soul’s energy.  So stay true to your gift, because there is nothing worse than a psychic that fabricates a story. Always be in your integrity.

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