Astrology Forecast for September 2-8, 2013
Clear thinking is neither depressing nor boring. By Saturday, the Sun makes an easy and helpful link to beneficent Jupiter that brightens your world immeasurably. You have every possibility of feeling great about yourself and your prospects. Bask in the late summer sun, and in relationships that make you feel good to be alive. One in particular is especially blessed this weekend. Put the analyses on pause. Enjoy that connection.
Monday: The predawn hours turn the key in your ignition well before the sun comes up. You’re on a mission, come hell or high water (although, unlike the past few months, neither of those is likely to confront you), and you’ve got your sights on a relationship or money issue that’s not to your liking. “Something’s gotta give” is in the air and conversations carry not-so-subtle undercurrents of aggression until — something gives. A monkey wrench frees you from plans you didn’t really want or knocks your schedule into the unexpected and delightful. Welcome it. The bigger question is the frequency of your guidance system when you hit a crossroads. Is escapism your motivation? Or are you receiving and heeding something more inspired? If the choice pits compassion against deception, you know which route to take.
Tuesday: An agreeable, desirable opportunity is on offer to improve a valued connection or increase your bottom line. Lovely and easy as it is, it sets off ancient inner demons and anxieties rumblings. (“Can I trust it? Do I deserve it? What if I get hurt?”) The later hours deliver you to another crossroads; perhaps a jolt is what lands you there. Choose to let parts of your personality drop away. Choose to break free of old definitions. Choose the lighter, freer path. It might make you squidgy at first, but you’ll feel more confident in it soon enough.
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.