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Astrology Forecast for September 2013

Astrology Forecast for September 2013

September is a month of taking stock and taking action. Sort through the summer’s hubbub and tidy up your life now, before the next round of redirecting and restructuring gears up in October.

The skies are encouraging an objective, analytical approach that wasn’t possible during the recent lightning storms.  The month’s ongoing baseline is determining what is yours and what is not, what benefits you (ditto), and what you can better, affect or do.

The first week brings surprisingly effortless clarity, which the Virgo New Moon on the 5th carries forward. Everyone’s kicking at walls and rearranging the playing field when Mars squares Saturn on the 9th. While the dust is still flying, we all get intensely serious about love, money, desires and getting a return on all our investments. Venus’ move into Scorpio on the 11th immerses us for nearly a month in primal, compelling desires and connections, some of which could initially feel heaven-sent or blessed.

The middle of the month, a message sounds a cosmic whistle and life explodes with activity, realizations, decisions, break-throughs, breakouts and, ultimately, congruence between mind, heart and action. By the end of the whirlwind (the 14th-19th) matters close to the heart stabilize, relationships move from dream to reality, and a doorway opens to one of the above-mentioned primal, compelling desires and connections.

The Pisces Full Moon (on the 19th) is a measuring point for the month’s ongoing determination process. This Moon lights up how well you’re balancing being so interconnected with maintaining clear and healthy boundaries. It won’t be a silent event.

Suspense starts creeping in soon after as Pluto, cosmic agent of deep-level, unavoidable change, goes stationary direct on the 20th. This shift stirs and reveals matters that have been swirling below the surface and behind the scenes since mid-April. It also launches Pluto’s crawl toward his fourth clash with radical change agent Uranus at the beginning of November.

Fall officially begins on the 22nd with the Sun’s move into Libra, sign of relationships, harmony and agreements. All take center stage in the month’s final days, as Venus contacts boundless Jupiter and her male counterpart Mars, and desires heat up that will not be ignored.  Ponderings, conversations and telepathic communication follow her into the depths when Mercury dives into Scorpio on the 29th. All the streamlining and clutter-clearing will pay off in sharpened X-Ray vision and heightened sonar.

See Also
emotional Intelligence Moon signs

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For another take on this week’s events, listen to Kathy’s five-minute podcast.

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