Crystals for Virgo
The Virgin is very detail oriented and therefore a worrier. They are critical and skeptical, as they draw boundaries and categorize others. At the same time they are most helpful as well as modest. The Virgo is practical, industrious, efficient, intelligent, spirited, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, observant, work and service oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, discreet, health and cleanliness conscious, mentally active, and flexible. Choose a stone that will help bring balance:
Sapphire This Virgo birthstone helps with communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiration, spiritual prayer/devotion, and peacefulness. Strongest if next to skin. especially good at the Throat Chakra. Sapphire represents wisdom, will, centering, cheerfulness, luck. Reduces anxiety and procrastination. Use for protection. May strengthen by posing challenges to overcome. Lessens tension and aligns the mental, physical, and spiritual planes.
Peridot A Virgo birthstone, this stone is traditionally used for health, wealth, and protection. Helps understand relationships and other realities. Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety. A visionary stone. Helps connect us to our destinies and to an understanding of the purpose of existence.
Amazonite This stone represents prosperity. Great over a door to bring in new business. It is wonderful for entrepreneurs and those in sales. This hope stone is important to have when starting a new business or financial venture. A gentle friendly, calming, soothing stone, which opens throat, heart, and solar plexus Chakra. Used for self-expression, artistic creativity and healing.
Clear Quartz This gem is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz is considered the “stone of power”. Use this stone to increase understanding.
Turquoise This stone is most famous as an amazing over all healer for illnesses in the physical body and mental/emotional issues. Turquoise is known as a stone of protection and communication on every level. Use turquoise at the Throat Chakra, to encouraging communication between heart and mind as well as expressing your desires and dreams.
Sardonyx This stone assists in matters of depression and matters of love. Consider the color combinations as red stimulates, brown is grounding, black is absorbing, and white is purifying. The colors do not cancel each other out. They do, however, buffer each other and maintain a median balance that allows you to affect change.
Carnelian This stone represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings.
Aventurine seems to enable abundance and brings good luck and money, joy, balance and clarity. Universal love, truth and prosperity are traits we can gain by working with Aventurine. This stone is good to have when job interviewing, selling products, or play lotto. This stone helps to stable financial matters, especially when times are tough. Keep it around when paying bills or making business transactions.
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Therapies for healing mind, body, spirit

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.