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Deborah King: Seeking the Light

Deborah King: Seeking the Light

Deborah King

OMTimes: What are the 5 tips to living a healthy life (mentally, physically and spiritually) that you follow – and can share with our readers?


1) Meditation is the cornerstone of my health and wellness philosophy – It’s amazingly good for you physically, mentally and spiritually. I meditate for 20 minutes, twice a day, in the early morning and evening.

2) Stay in touch with your feelings by journaling. Keeping your feelings bottled up inside can cause all kinds of problems – physical, emotional, mental. Journaling allows you to explore your feelings honestly, on your own terms. You can write with a pen and paper, or on a computer, and for just a few minutes; all that matters is that you write often, and that you are 100% honest!  Don’t hold back, don’t even spell check!

3) Exercise outside. Spending time in nature is good for your soul.  I’m outside as much as possible, even sleeping a great deal of the year outdoors.  I never work out in a gym when I can walk, swim or kayak!

4) Eat lots of small meals, and avoid processed foods and sugar. I eat a small meal, about as much as will fit in the palm of your hand, every few hours or so, with an emphasis on vegetables and nuts, and I often include a little protein.

See Also

5) Manage your stress level (see tips #1, 2, & 3 above!) and get the right amount of sleep for your body. The body produces cortisol the “stress hormone” when you’re stressed or when you don’t get enough sleep. Too much cortisol causes abdominal fat, which not only makes it hard to zip up your jeans, but is the most unhealthy kind of fat to have.

To connect with Deborah King and to learn more about her new book and course, Seeking the Light, visit her at

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