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Delicious Conscious Eating & Living

Delicious Conscious Eating & Living

Marlise:  I remember reading a book about children and food.  The doctor was saying that if you offer a child, over a series of a week, all good foods, that they might not balance their food in one day.  But it would completely balance over the period of that week. Does that make sense to you?

Donna Collins:  Yes, I do believe that.  If you’re presenting good food to them, they will balance their own diet over the course of a week.  They may eat oranges one day.  They may eat bread the next day, and cheese the next day, and the next day they may eat peas.  They are a blank slate.  It’s presenting these things to them so you’re not putting your likes and dislikes on what they’re eating too.  Just because you don’t like mushrooms doesn’t mean you don’t offer them mushrooms.

Marlise:  I love hearing what you’re saying because it has a real harmony to it.

Donna Collins:  And they’re going to make better choices continually.  Your taste buds become so pure and so used to what these fresh flavors are like, that to eat something that is full of bad stuff, it just tastes like mush in your mouth.

See Also

Marlise:  Do you find that people would eat more consciously if they understood nutrition more?

Donna Collins:  It’s not really about learning about more nutrition.  It’s about understanding that the things in the center of the grocery store are the things that are the most void of nutrition.  So if you want to eat well, go around the outside rim of the grocery store.  That’s where all the fresh food is going to be found.  All the processed stuff is in the middle.  If somebody can just remember that one trick, everything that they put in their basket will be better for them.

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