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Delicious Conscious Eating & Living

Delicious Conscious Eating & Living

I do think it’s important for everyone to find the local farmers market and become friends with someone who is offering locally grown food. You will have children who operate healthier all the way around if what they’re doing is ingesting things from the local environment.  It makes a huge difference in everyone.

Marlise:  There’s so many single people today, and they’re so busy in their lives, with work – how can they get the inspiration to go into the kitchen?  Or how can they have a commitment to eating healthier food?

Donna Collins:  I love the idea of passing this information on.  It’s so much fun.  And it’s a really good way of expressing how much you love somebody.  When we have Mom’s chicken soup, we actually get better because she was putting all her love into it.  It’s an exchange of energy in a different way.  If you approach it from that perspective, you can get excited about it.

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