Faith to Fly
By Janice Chrysler
One of most beneficial things that can happen when we join together to meditate or to participate in healing and spiritual work, is the discussions that arise. When in a place with people we regard as being non-judgmental and the space sacred, we often find we speak more freely about our inner desires, fears and aspirations. It is in these moments that we also discover we are not alone on a particular quest but others too are faced with many of the same questions and/or observations.
During this year of 2013, many holistic practitioners, people who meditate and are sensitive to energy have said that they feel a type of urgency about this year. 2012 held a sense of change or a shift but this year many of us feel that this change, whatever it is, will soon be upon us….actually is already happening. So many feel this but still say they are not sure what it is but can sense it, that they know they are to make a move, make a change do SOMETHING but the answers are not quickly coming. It is like running to the edge of a high cliff and know that we are to step off but the fear of not knowing what we are stepping into is all around us. The good news it that underlying this fear of the unknown is the realization that if we hold onto the belief that our faith will be our wings that alone will make us soar, we will not fall.
If we were to take a moment and look back over our past opinions, thought processes and early childhood memories they seem to us to be from a totally different person and in many ways,they were.
We all change, grow and expand our spiritual knowledge if we allow ourselves the opportunity to do so. Who we are today is not the same as yesterday or years ago or even five minutes ago if we realize that we are constantly evolving. It may be a soul felt search for truth or unconsciously absorbing new thoughts, emotions and experiences through our everyday living. We can go through our life with all senses on fire or with eyes closed, the choice is ours and what we take from these experiences is all up to us. There is no time schedule, no demands that we gain a certain level of enlightenment on this life passage but rather each person comes into this life with their own agenda and their own map on how to take the trip.
Within us from birth, we carry so much knowledge in our cell memory. This can be from our ancestors, our own past life experiences, or what we can tap into when we venture into the Universal Consciousness. We have a spiritual cord that connects us to Pure and Unconditional Love and it is this cord that units all of our souls, even though there are times it seems to have been partially severed or completely cut off. This cord, is in all things and even when it is hard to recognize it, Love is there, deep within the soul.
Many times throughout our lives, we may be challenged to find that cord in our circumstances or those around us. When we are feeling hurt or betrayed, lonely and afraid, where is the Love Cord then? It is during these time when we feel cut off from the world that we most need to reconnect to the Divine and the Universe’s Love…to feel it and share it with those around us. At the time we may not see it, but it could very well be that we need to stand alone in order to expand our inner strength, to find our truth and become all we can be. Once we acknowledge our truth, others will start to be around us…others who share our truth or are longing to discover their own. We will become involved in situations and opportunities that require us to speak out for what we believe in and do so freely without fear of judgment. In order to fulfill our purpose, we often need to travel alone, at least for awhile in order to ask questions, seek truth, and discover ourselves that we would not have done otherwise. Truly being open to begin to live and become our purpose is the first step off that cliff. Accepting that the Universe will provide and we are always surrounded with the love of the Divine will strengthen us when all else seems lost. In what at first appears to be the darkest moments, the greatest light can shine. We may not notice it at first but we will with time.
It is through our meditations and prayers that we reconnect the cord of Pure Love to our very soul…or rather realize it was never severed in the first place, we just thought it was. Reach out and hold this cord in your hands, feel it as it sends love throughout your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies then face the world in a new of hope, love and learning. We are all beautiful beings of light so lets fill our bodies with this light and run for the cliff, then with faith to lift us up, take the leap, make the change and fly wherever Love leads us.
“Something opens our wings, something makes boredom and hurt disappear.” ~Rumi

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