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The Golden Ripple of Faith

The Golden Ripple of Faith

faith OMTimes

Living on mother earth is filled with faith and magnificent miracles. They are wonderful occurrences that come through divine intervention.

Living Your Faith

By Jacqui Johnson



Living on mother earth is filled with magnificent miracles.  They are wonderful occurrences that come through divine intervention.  Things just happen in the most extraordinary of ways. Just as you feel as if you have lost all hope, this surge of power runs through you. It is an electrical bolt of magnificent grace that showers upon your life. As Mahavatar Babaji says,” have faith. Everything depends on faith.” That means to be like a mountain; unmovable, standing in infinite fortitude, stable and solid as you proceed upon your path guided by your spirit through the calling of your soul. It means to keep going no matter what appears in front of you knowing that the solution will manifest before your eyes. It means moving forward with firepower and fearlessness that is unstoppable and victorious.

Just when you think dark clouds have covered all options, rays of beaming light come through because you held strong to believing in your highest good that is always waiting for you to step into it. As you are summoned to live in that space of your all-knowing wise self, you open to receiving the key to unlock the force that moves this universe. It is the expansion of the consciousness that instills the sacred all aware being that moves through that immeasurable faith. By connecting to this state of being, you are not only creating a life that glides and glows with God’s light, but you are also creating and helping others transform their lives in the same way. You are being and living in the golden ripple of faith.  It is amazing for as you transform all aspects of your life through baby steps, you begin to walk in the footsteps of God’s heart echoing through yours. You then become the holy portal allowing others to do the same.  You shift into the healing Holy Grail of peace, harmony, and revealing the secrets of the all.

So just for today, take a deep breath.

Through this breath, feel this twirling vibration of perfection penetrating deep within your core.

Close your eyes and breathe, connecting to your heart and experience the stillness that only comes from the silence within.

Know..that you are tapping into the divine vortex that frees you from the inquisitive limited thought.

Let the golden spinning energies guide your path and allow yourself to awaken from the dream.

You have now arrived beyond all frequencies.

See Also

You have remembered that life is faith.

You have recognized the greatness of everything that you are.


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About the Author

Jacqueline’s guides call her a Divine Illumination Encodement Counselor. She is a certified Faerie Healer and Angel Healing Practitioner, a Reiki Master, a Seraphim Blueprint Healing Practitioner, a Oneness Blessings Deeksha giver, a motivational storyteller, intuitive artist, author, musician, and a six sensory™ psychic certified with Sonia Choquette and offers Divine Illumination Blueprint Encodement. She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband and 2 kitties. You can find more info at and her membership site; Merlin’s Treasure Box;

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