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How to Recogize and Avoid GMOs

How to Recogize and Avoid GMOs


Secrets to Health

With Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams

Premiers Wednesday, 25 September

SecretstoHealth_GMOs 214Eating organic is all the rage – but it’s more than just a fad, it’s a way of self-preservation. In this inaugural episode of Secrets to Health, health experts Dr. Ed Group DC and Mike Adams explain what GMOs are, and how their altered structure is toxic to the human body. They’ll share the most common GMO products on the market today, how to recognize them, and how to avoid them.

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Secrets to Health on GaiamTV

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Health experts Dr. Ed Group, DC and “Health Ranger” Mike Adams use hands-on experiments to expose the hidden truths behind today’s food and pharmaceutical industries. Group and Adams aim to promote holistic healing, positive thinking, and creating a clean environment, while empowering viewers to make informed decisions on their health and well-being.

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