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Oracle for September 2013 – Truthfulness

Oracle for September 2013 – Truthfulness

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of September are evolving around thinking about something that seems to be a relatively lost art these days, knowing what truth is and telling and being the truth as you know it.

This Oracle is here to support you in contemplating truth with a capital T as well as what being truthful  in your dealings in life means. Your next step through the looking glass is to contemplate the Truth – what is Truth to you?  Have you ever thought about it?   Do you know that both Truth and Truthfulness are seemingly different when viewed from a holistic perspective?  There is Truth, which has been debated by philosophers and theologians since the beginning of time, and then there is truthfulness, which seems to be defined as consistently telling the truth, being honest. The signpost from this Oracle is for you to integrate a new definition of truthfulness into your persona, your spiritual life and even your third dimensional life as you cruise along your path, so read on….

In September, take time to contemplate what is truth, with a capital T, to you. In other words, is it subjective, objective, relative or absolute or a combination?  The Hindus believe that truth is defined as unchangeable, that which has no distortion, that which is beyond the distinctions of time, space and person.  The human body is not completely true, as it changes from time to time.  For the Christian, the ultimate expression of truth is found in the Bible, in Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6).  Ancient Greeks and Romans debated “Truth” so that we now have come to the understanding that it is subjective or objective or relative or absolute.  Is God, Spirit, the Universe, All That Is, whatever you want to call it, absolute truth? Or is it relative to your particular belief structure.  An atheist would not believe that was so, so is truth relative or absolute? Interesting to think about, eh?

Now, let’s take the next step into “truthfulness,” as that is your new spiritual practice, but maybe we take that step into a different perspective.  It may be easy for you or it may be difficult for you or somewhere in between, but for September and beyond, know that “truthfulness” is your focus.

Truthfulness, as a spiritual practice, is far more than “being honest” or speaking your truth or presenting facts that correspond to reality.  The practice, the work, is to understand that truthfulness really is coming to the place where your outer expression is in conformity with your inner expression.  To be congruent is to be truthful!  It is now to be part of your integrity, your authenticity, you really being you.

Truthfulness, now newly defined as authentically expressing all that you are, and all that you will be, has  grown out of your curiosity, your prayers, your affirmations, all the spiritual work you have done so far.  It needs to be expressed truthfully without embellishment or without diminishment.  Know too, that part of that truthful expression is acting with intention as well as speech with belief.

So, think about what truthfulness is to you.  Are you in touch with the depth and importance of truthfulness in the new world, the new paradigm.  It really is critical, you know. If you are to be the change you want to see in the world, you need to be conscious that your behavior impacts everyone along your way.  Therefore, your truthfulness in expressing yourself is the cornerstone of your spirituality.  It is the springboard for doing the right thing at the right time in the right place.  It is all part of energy mastery, mastering the unseen forces in your life.  It also is part of relationships of any nature.  By practicing truthfulness you cultivate it, it becomes implanted in your disposition so it is part of who you are and it flows forth easily from your soul, your spirit, your presence.

As you have gathered from above, truthfulness is not just about speech.  It is also about healing, about behaving truthfully with people in your daily world, about believing in yourself.  Behaving truthfully means showing people you care, holding intentions for the highest good for all, for changes to peace and love to flow more and more on the planet and if this is your spiritual perspective, it is important for you to be in your Truth and flow with truthfulness as the way you express yourself.  So begin now…

This Oracle is here to have you incorporate the intentional exploration of your Truth and expression of your truthfulness this very month of September.  Again, thinking about how important truthfulness is in your new world, and then consciously focusing on having yourself be truthful in thought, word and action  will bring the next level of spiritual development to your spirit.  It is still time to “turn up the volume™” as the Oracle says.  Hear your higher self, your guides and spirits, God, Spirit speak to you of truthfulness. Listen deeply, strongly, fully!

As I have said before, there are many avenues to the new expanded world, and last month was all about connecting with and understanding your own intuition, your Soul’s knowingness and it is with that intuition that you know, deep inside, the Truth of the matter.  Your soul’s knowledge will support your reasoning mind’s ability to take your truthfulness on to new levels.

See Also

As always, this Oracle’s guidance is here for the expansion of your Spirit to support the fulfillment of your purpose…which is what you came here to do and why you chose to be on the planet at this time. So remember, being truthful, being authentic and meditating on truth consciousness is another level with which you bring the kind of life you want.  It becomes part of your persona with practice and thereby supports the attraction to you of all that you desire!  Remember to carry the message, live it, be it, feel it and expand it, Spirit will deepen your spiritual experience each and every step of the way and you will find yourself truly grounded in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what and remember…LOVE is all you need…it will propel you more and more into knowing how to speak, behave and intend truthfully so that you can take advantage of every opportunity to hear and know the Truth!

Let your mantra for the month of September be:  I AM truthful in thought, word and action…And So It Is!!! 

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About the Author:  Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at You can follow her on Twitter. @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at © 2013 The RYS Center All Rights Reserved.  

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