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Quantum Lightweaving

Quantum Lightweaving


Inspirations with Lisa Garr

Discover the Secrets of Mind-Body Wellness

Featuring Kenji Kumara

Premiers Thursday, 26 September

GI-FB_Promo-KenjiK We’ve all heard the famous Gandhi quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Now meet an individual who embodies this notion and helps others to do the same. Visionary Kenji Kumara acts as a bridge between ascended energies of the masters and humans on Earth, and shares his inspiration and his own golden rules with host Lisa Garr.

Kenji Kumara, founder and CEO of Quantum Lightweaving LLC, has over forty years in the healing arts field. As a messenger and visionary for the New Earth consciousness he serves as a bridge between worlds and a catalyst for quantum states of being. He has dedicated his life to assisting those who are ready to experience a deeper connection with unconditional love.

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See Also

Inspirations with Lisa Garr on GaiamTV


Inspirations with Lisa Garr features leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore ancient wisdom, gain personal insights and learn about spiritual enlightenment.

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