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Relationship Rescue Program

Relationship Rescue Program

What it is

Life Coach Associate

Relationship Rescue is an online program designed to teach people how to release and heal the stress and conflict in their relationships so that they can once again sizzle and sparkle. It does this by addressing the 2 basic causes of most relationship conflict, and then by exploring a variety of healthy ways to conduct relationships.

These ranges from powerful respectful ways of communicating, to breaking repetitive cycles, to getting needs met harmoniously, avoiding the 9 traps of dysfunctional relationships, dealing with fear and vulnerability, sustaining passion and delight, and much more.

It is a program that will offer entirely new and fresh perspectives on age-old relationship issues, as well as honouring the knowledge and wisdom that is commonly available through relationship counselling and such services.

Why it is different

See Also

Much of the relationship support and advice that is currently available tends to be technical in nature. It focuses on what to do and how to do it. For example, there is much advice available on the do’s and dont’s of communication. There is plenty of advice about what to focus on in the relationship, how to encourage each other, and so on.

This is all great but that approach does not account for two of the core issues. 80%, or more, of communication is unconscious and non-verbal but these technical approaches tend to only focus on the other 20%. The challenge is that quite often what gets communicated through the unconscious 80% is in conflict with what is being said in the 20%.

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