Terry Patten – Beyond Awakening

The Future of Spiritual Practice
Terry Patten is a pioneering innovator, advancing the evolutionary edge of spirituality. He is also a profound facilitator of intimate collective awakening. He combines this creative innovation with a deep experiential understanding of a vast range of psychological and spiritual processes, always maintaining a tender sensitivity to the Divinely human condition and a lifelong commitment to social activism. He speaks and consults internationally—inspiring, challenging, and connecting individuals, communities, leaders and institutions worldwide.
He is the host of Beyond Awakening: The Future of Spiritual Practice, a widely-distributed online teleseminar series. Every session in the series focuses on a single question: how can higher consciousness enable humanity to rise to the challenge of our world’s increasingly urgent, complex and intractable crises? Scientific, philosophical and consciousness studies perspectives are explored by guests such as Ken Wilber, Jean Houston, Michael Murphy, Barbara Marx Hubbard, A.H. Almaas, Joanna Macy, Bruce Lipton, John Hagelin, and Alex Grey.
He recently re-launched a digital self-paced version of his acclaimed 8-session online course, Integral Spiritual Practice. Integral Spiritual Practice integrates the insights earned during Terry’s decades of intensive spiritual practice with those from his years as an entrepreneur and grassroots activist. It guides students step-by-step in establishing a heart-centered do-able daily integral practice.
Terry is a member of Deepak Chopra’s Evolutionary Leaders group, a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, and serves on the board of the Wellsprings Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom. He holds degrees from the University of Michigan and John F. Kennedy University.

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