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Unfolding Our Light

Unfolding Our Light

By Michael Eastwood

From early on I felt that there are many beings of otherworldly consciousness living amongst humanity and I knew this to be true because I saw and communicated with two large beings of light that accompanied me and stood besides me during my bed times.

In my room I also saw many other beings apparently not of human origin. These beings had the appearance of fine spherical layers of light and although we did not communicate I sensed that they were benevolent. With time I started to talk with the light-beings, asked them questions, from typical childhood anxieties to questions of a cosmic nature, and somehow I knew that they were with me on purpose.

They impressed upon me that they originated from star worlds, and sought to comfort, educate and remind me of my own star world heritage. They told me that I, and many others, are here in this lifetime for a specific purpose, that we are ancient multi-dimensional luminous beings that in ancient days came from Lemuria and before then, the stars.

What I understand now is that since Lemuria many of us have been asleep, still incarnating but without our full capacities or knowledge of our vastness. This is mirrored in our chakra and auric layers.

“In Lemuria”, they tell me, “your vastness was reflected through at least ten layers of your aura as well as ten chakras, awakened and fully operational. In this lifetime humanity, as well as all kingdoms of this planet, will awaken from this slumber through an initiation – the like that has not been since since Lemurian times. This initiation will activate the ten layers of your aura as well as all ten chakras. Through this you and humanity will remember union with the wider universe. This human initiation will be keenly watched by the inner planes as well as other star worlds – it involves them too.”

I have been trading, teaching and healing within the field of crystal healing for over 25 years. Through my work I have sought to marry my childhood dialogues with the light beings within the framework of crystal healing, which led me into researching crystals, the human energy field and chakra system.

In this research I came across many references both in ancient spiritual texts and modern day writers that referred to seven levels of the aura as well as seven chakras, which contradicted the light-beings’ information I had received about at least ten layers to the aura and ten chakra gateways. I started to understand that my work was to explore this subject and ultimately offer a model that reflected my own sight and understanding.

As I was piecing it all together I explored the relationship between crystals and the human aura which led me to a profound experience. It was during this that I met and dialogued with an Oversoul. This eventually led to the publication of the Crystal Oversoul Attunements (published by Findhorn Press 2011). The dialogues I had with the Crystal Oversouls became the missing key that unlocked the door that enabled me to understand the ten layers of the aura as well as how to awaken all ten chakras.

My new book Unfolding Our Light is the result of my research – a navigation guide through the ten layers of the human aura as well as the ten chakra gateways, supporting us to an awakening into the vast luminous beings that we are. This book is also a journey – each layer of the aura and corresponding chakra is approached with a series of attunements that are designed to expand and reorganize our aura and chakras to a wider template befitting the collective initiation of our time.

With such a large and open map we can operate in multi-dimensional awareness with ease, taking our rightful place in the universe. What I offer through this new work of mine is a way of making our journey creative, joyful; one that supports our inquisitive nature.

To my understanding an Oversoul is the collective soul or master that all individual crystals in its field will identify and communicate with. When we work thus, for example with a Lemurian seed crystal, we can communicate with its essential soul, its blueprint that I call an Oversoul.

One of the many questions I had while writing the Oversoul stories was: Why tell their story now?

What follows is my interpretation of what they impressed upon me.

Crystal Oversouls are part of the fabric of cosmic creation. They have their own destiny while at the same time their evolution is interlinked with our own.

The earth is undergoing an immense initiation the like has not been seen for thousands of years. This initiation does not involve only humanity and all living creatures, but also all the elemental kingdoms. The initiation is of cosmic origin, part of a great turning within the ever evolving unfolding of the cosmos. This turning in evolution involves, amongst other forces, the conscious effort of thousands of like-minded beings. Such beings of immense awareness need to work as one unified consciousness, with the cooperation of the many other kingdoms taking part in the shift.

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The crystal Oversouls once worked more closely with humanity. They were highly revered within the temples of Lemuria and subsequent times when communication between the inner planes was stronger. As those times have faded in human memory, humanity has also forgotten its history. The crystal Oversouls hold keys to our awakening. They did not create these keys but hold them in their essence until such a time when we needed reminding. They serve expanding our horizons, awaking to our greatness, being the beings of light that we are.

As we awaken to who we are, we start to see with a much wider perspective using sensory chakras and layers of our energy bodies, long forgotten and lain dormant for thousands of years. With this awakened state comes the realization that we as humans are part of an inter-galactic family that is evolving along with the cosmos itself.

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About the Author:

Michael Eastwood is the chairman of ACHO (Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations). He has trained for 11 years in Qabalah with the Order of Maat. Eastwood has been teaching in the healing arts for over 20 years, and today teaches 2 year and post graduate diplomas in crystal healing that encourage people to set up and develop their own crystal healing private practice.

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