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Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Weekly Astrology Forecast


by Kathy Biehl
Here is the weekly astrology forecast for the week of 28 Oct:

“There’s no point in regretting things that have gone to the trouble of happening.” — Horatio Fisk, in “Dean Spanley”

A powerhouse, milestone week is here. It begins with the mental equivalent of fastening your seat belt and ends with a depth charge that blasts us into wildly different circumstances.

Don’t panic! You have more than an inkling of what’s at stake. Everything that happens is an organic outgrowth of decisions, realizations and metamorphoses that are already in process.  Besides, this is the time of year when the veil between worlds is said to be at its thinnest. Take the rampant Halloween decor and festivities as reminders that you have experience dealing with — and making light of — potentially dark matters.

See Also
eclipses OMTimes

We’ve reached the fourth stage in the radical restructuring of your foundation that’s been going on since the summer of 2012. (The previous stages were in June and September of last year and this past May.)  Late August birthed a new phase, whether in outlook, your sense of your identity or in relation to an external factor. October’s Libra New Moon put relationships on notice that it’s time for them to change in response. Now the remodeling work intensifies even more dramatically, with ramifications stretching out into next year and beyond.

You go into this with some clarity. The week begins with thoughts, information or messages that define the situation. Actively seek them out. When retrograde Mercury meets order-loving Saturn on Tuesday, walls, obligations and responsibilities become visible. You gain a sense of reality — or, if you take issue with that concept, what’s feasible — which you can use as a grounding cord or seat belt.

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