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Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

From this base of stability, actions proceed with enormous efficiency, effectiveness and potency, A direct current completes on Wednesday between two forces of will, Mars and Pluto, whose teamwork makes elbow grease unnecessary. Scant pressure leads to huge progress, deep cuts (need to get rid of anything?) and long-lasting effects.   Too, a divine hand is wielding a scalpel, which may strike without warning. Cuts will be clean and so quick that you don’t feel them till afterward.

These are just the warmup to the big events, which are occurring so close together that we won’t be able to distinguish their impact:  the exact Uranus/Pluto square on Friday and Sunday’s solar eclipse in Scorpio. Their effect is a cluster of explosive, deep, monumental endings, reshaping, and dramatic new starts.

The square is a culminating moment in the ongoing clash between the agents of unpredictable and unavoidable change, Uranus and Pluto. (For the context, read my article Clash of the Titans.) They are hitting the same territory, themes and issues for the fourth time in 18 months. This assault, is different, however, because it has curative properties.

See Also

The therapeutic potential comes from the role being played by Chiron, who embodies our abiding wound and the challenge to rise above it and master physical existence.  We have to reach for his help just now, but the rewards are worth it. Pluto, lord of death and regeneration, is making an opportunity aspect to the dwarf planet of healing, while Uranus the awakener is in a growth aspect.

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