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Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Watch for a sense of light hitting and curing dank, rotting places, of mold being remediated, and of a boil being lanced. Hidden threats and decay are coming to consciousness, and the potential is enormous for resolution and healing as a result. You might not like everything you see, but be honest; isn’t it better to know what you’re facing, so you can address it, rather than allow it to fester and grow?

You may fine-tune the restructuring you’ve been doing, ditch some plans and dream up something better. It’s also highly possible that you will jettison longstanding baggage for good. This dovetails completely with Sunday’s New Moon, a solar eclipse in Scorpio, and the third rebooting event in the resources-focused eclipse cycle we’re in from last November through next year.  This one is uncommonly intense and life-shaping for several reasons.

Eclipses always shut shut out situations and people. Deaths, endings and metaphoric plastic surgery will be rolling out for months from this eclipse. That’s not only because it’s ruled by Pluto, lord of transformation, but also because of his current clash with Uranus. Everything that happens now relates directly and immediately to the upheaval and restructuring you’ve been undergoing.

See Also

Everything that departs is making room. That’s a common platitude, but absolutely pertinent now. A solar eclipse reorients and catapults you far.  As you fly ahead, your load is lightening, your focus is tightening, and your self-actualization is ramping up to levels you’ve never experienced.  Distractions and trivialities have no little place or appeal. Taskmaster Saturn is on top of the eclipse, and calling for maturity, responsibility and commitment.

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