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Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Astrology Forecast for Oct. 28 – Nov. 3, 2013

Wednesday:  Take a breather. Regroup. Ground. Expand your heart, your dreams and your vision. Through some nurturing activities for yourself into the mix. Relationships hit a rocky patch late, late evening, which might be the advance guard of situations moving out of stuck places. If you’d like to break a habit, change the way you run your life or shift shape in some other significant way, set the intention before you go to sleep.

Thursday:  Happy Halloween! Before the day fully kicks in, the two most forceful influences in the sky, Mars and Pluto, pool their efforts. Best case scenario is that they perform surgery on your psyche and you wake up fresh, clean and revitalized from it. Be aware that some people will turn this energy to other uses and amplify attempts to control and harm. Many a decision to use this power for good or ill will be made in a split second. Take care.  A frantic, nervous edge underlies communication, particularly during prime trick or treating time. When the spookiness subsides, you could, oddly, feel a sense of accomplishment or minor triumph.

Friday: What a monumental launch for the month. All Soul’s Day has more planetary aspects than we usually see in a week, and in most two-week stretches, not to mention on a single day. The dream world is already putting us through emotionally processing the latest round of change when the peak moment hits. Uranus and Pluto complete their square at 6:30 AM EDT. Less than 90 minutes later, minds and willpower kick in, all of which means sleeping in is highly, highly unlikely.  By mid-day all manner of changes and fixes are already underway. (Choose the new; embrace the unexpected.) The information flow settles down by late afternoon. You know yourself with renewed clarity. Messages reflect and underscore that. Ask to be shown the truth and it is yours; set your X-ray vision onto situations and gaze into their undercurrents; speak boldly and honestly.  Some of what you glimpse and hear could throw you for a loop. Stand fast. Keep that gaze fixed. You’ll know how to respond. Writing materials by the bedside will prove useful.

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