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Astrology Forecast for October 7-13, 2013

Astrology Forecast for October 7-13, 2013


by Kathy Biehl

The seismic activity from week’s Libra New Moon continue to radiate out this week on our Astrology Forecast . While we figure out what we are going to do with each other, a welcome element joins the mix. Venus, the ruler of all we value, enters fun-loving Sagittarius and offers us a quiver full of hope, optimism, adventure and panoramic vision.

This bodes well for the tone of the relationship restructuring going on. True, Sagittarius can take a “my way or the highway” position, but you can head for the sign’s other possibilities. Don’t take developments as deadly serious. Find reason to smile and laugh. Treat the process as a game. You may get the hang of the rockiness.

Venus’ change of mode inclines us all to look for good times and for silver linings, too. It’ll be easier to see the benefit in much that has been transpiring, or to turn situations to the better.

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Vision might be a bit too rosy at times, though. Expectations and perceptions could get out of line midweek, as Venus clashes with Neptune and whips up his cosmic fog machine. The eyes of love can overlook many a flaw. Just take care that they do not blind you to deception, or cause you to read more into a situation than is there.

Even with that, the week has an expansive buoyancy that carries us into the weekend. Life teems with possibilities. This new phase in relating has an exciting, invigorating side. Breaking from the past is freeing up energy and giving us a new focus. By the weekend, you could be feeling quite satisfied with yourself. Or demanding more of the pie. Or both.

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